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The First International case conference of National Museums

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The First International case conference of National Museums

Museums of the World: the history of the formation of the museum, the principles by which national collections were formed

Organised by National Association of Museums Budapest, Hungary, 15-20 April 2022

Call for papers deadline - 10 November 2021 First Circular - Call for papers

We would like the first case conference to be held in Budapest 15-20 April 2022. Our goal is to tell you about the history of world museums, how they became national and according to what principles were the national collections formed.

The purpose of our conference is the development of patriotism, the direction of spiritual development and the strengthening of historical memory, respect for the past. Museum collections form aesthetic tastes and value assessments of artistic activity.

Possible areas of research include, but are by no means limited to, the following:

  • Standards of museum activity
  • Museum as a multi-level communication space
  • Modernisation of the museum activity
  • New technologies of museum activity

Confirmed keynote speakers:

Duncan F.Cameron Zbinek Zbislav Stransky

Razgon Moiseevich Avram

Abstract submission

The language of the conference is English.

Report in plenary meeting - up to 20 minutes; report at the sectional meeting - up to 15 minutes; speeches in the debate on the reports - up to 10 minutes.

The chairman of the session has the right to interrupt the speaker's speech, which did not keep within the time allotted by the regulations. Part of the listeners will be students, not all of whom easily perceive a complex information by ear. Therefore, the rapporteurs are advised to prepare handouts or slides (for example, charts, diagrams and graphs) for the items requiring intense attention, that can be demonstrated on the screen. This will save time for the speakers and listeners. The participants shall inform the chairman of the session about the presence of such materials before the start of the meeting in order to properly organise their distribution or display. In more detail, the order of the meetings and their sequence will be determined in the programme of the event.

Reports should be sent by email as a Word attachment to by 10 November 2021. Please include your name, affiliation, email address and paper title in the body of the email. Notification of acceptance decisions will be communicated via email by 15 February 2022.


It is not excluded that the materials of the «round table» will be published in the form of a collection or in the journal of the faculty. More specifically, this issue will be resolved following the results of the event.


The registration fee covers a set of conference materials, coffee breaks with refreshments, buffet and access to internet facilities. The regular fee is 180$. Participants from Hungary (please contact the organisers to check if you qualify) will be offered a reduced fee of 120$. Fees should be transferred by 20 March 2022 to this bank account.


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