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Политология на английском языке

Автор:   •  Июнь 3, 2022  •  Тест  •  3,431 Слов (14 Страниц)  •  244 Просмотры

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Название дисциплины – Политология на английском языке (Political science)

Количество вопросов- 300

Ответственный преподаватель: Сембаева Жансая

What age is called the golden age of democracy:

{~1 c. BC

+5 c. BC

~2 c. BC

~3 c. BC

~ 4  c. BC}

The social norm of public relations enshrined in:





~ good}

How many approaches are distinguished in cratology:




~ 4


Types of power resources:


+all answers are correct




The original form of democracy:




~all answers are correct

~ all answers are incorrect}

Democracy, which is embodied in the form of self-government of urban communes:

{~ primitive

+ medieval

~ modern

~ polyarchy

~ all answers are correct}

Representative of authoritarian democracy:






Representatives of conservative elite democracy:

{~ Locke

+Mosca, Michels, Parreto

~ Russo


~ Marx}

Constitutional Principles of Democracy:

{~ The power of the majority

+All answers are correct

~ Electivity

~The principle of freedom

~The principle of equality}

The main social vehicle of democracy:


+middle class parties


~ elite

~working class}

Author of the dictum “All people are equal, since we are all the property of God”:






The theory of the natural law affirms the right to:


+all answers are correct




Author of the Theory of Justice:






The study of the process of change from one political regime to another, mainly from authoritarian regimes to democratic ones:




~ Sociology of conflict studies


Statism is a trait of:





~All answers are correct}

Author of the book « The Open Society and Its Enemies»:






State self-sufficiency is:




~ Pragmatism


The concept of primordial equality of opportunity:

{~ Conformism




~ Selfishness}

Author of the dictum "Democracy is the power of the people, on behalf of the people and for the people":






The Science About Power is:




~ Conflictology


Basic Approaches to Define the Power:


+All answers are correct



~All answers are incorrect}

The main functions of power:


+All answers are correct




The practical embodiment of power:






Who introduced the 3 types of legitimacy:






Political Prerequisites for Democracy:


+The presence of pluralism


~Oligopolistic market


Systemic principles of democracy:


+Equality and freedom




Economic background of democracy:


+All answers are correct


~The presence of the middle class

~Information Society}

Where democracy originated:






The heyday of ancient democracy:

{~2 c. BC

+5 c. BC

~3 c. BC

~ 4 c. BC

~1 c. BC}

Social background of democracy:


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