Phraseological antonyms
Автор: Aina98 • Апрель 2, 2019 • Статья • 1,100 Слов (5 Страниц) • 1,094 Просмотры
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Қ.Жұбанов атындағы Ақтөбе өңірлік мемлекеттік университеті
Phraseological units, like lexical units, also occur in the sense of the opposite relation to each other. For example: ат ізін салмады - ат ізін құрғатпады, қоян жүрек - ер жүрек; май қап - тас қап, etc. Such phraseological units, which are opposite to the meaning, are called phraseological antonyms. Antonyms are usually understood as linguistic units with opposite meanings. However, their analysis shows the heterogeneity of relations between different types of phraseological units with opposite meanings.
In works on antonymy there are several characteristic features of antonyms. The most important semantic characteristics of antonyms are opposite meanings and semantic community, which is manifested in the "correlation of meanings", i.e. in the fact that they express the same generic concept. [1; 68] In phraseology, the definition of antonymous phraseological units is a complex issue. At the same time, linguists hold two different points of view. A group of researchers (A. I. P. Molotkov, L. A. Gryaznov, V. L. Smirnov): only idioms that structurally homogeneous and that contain antonymy components, can create the antonymy pair. Scientists such as A. I. Alekhina, L. P. Zimina, S. A. Bykova, M. P.Miller, G. Musin proved that the definition of phraseological antonyms arises not on the basis of structural features, but as a result of comparison, meetings of the meaning of phraseological units.
In the definition of phraseological units of antonyms, their structural character does not play a key role. In the semantics of two phraseological units forming an antonymic pair, there are common and opposite components. These components are the most important semantic criterion for the definition of phraseological antonyms. About it there are responses in scientists-researchers. At the same time, E.N. Miller expresses the following opinion on the definition of the phenomenon of antonymy in phraseological units: "the main way to establish the antonymy of phraseological units should, in our opinion, be considered the analysis of the structure of their meanings: is set by detection of the contrasted idioms common (identical) and opposite (contrary or contradictory) semantic values» [2; 93]. Based on the author's conclusions, antonymic phraseological units can be determined by general and opposite signs in their meanings. According to the scientist L.A. Novikov: "semantic categories of phraseological antonyms, development implies a common and opposite belonging of components in the semantics of paired phraseological units, based on a single contrast of both lexical and phraseological antonyms. » [3; 27]. We are guided by these conclusions in the definition of antonymic properties between phraseological units of the Kazakh language.
As you know, lexical anonymous pairs in a language must belong to the same lexical and grammatical category. For example: ақ- қара, суық - ыстық – сын есім; кіру - шығу, апару - әкелу – is the verb. This is also characteristic of phraseological antonyms. For example, аузы-аузына тимеу – жұмған аузын ашпау, ілгері басқан аяғы кейін кету – тасы өрге домалау – both pairs of antonymous idioms are verbal idiom. Ауқатты адам – қара сирақ кедей, жүнін жұлған тырнадай – үріп ауызға салғандай - a pair of such phraseological antonyms are formed from an adjective. This feature plays a major role in determining the general semantic components of phraseological units in the opposite sense.
The main feature of phraseological antonyms from lexical antonyms, based on the contrast of objects and phenomena, actions is the embodiment of opposite meanings, in expressive terms [4;202]. For example: " қатынаспады - келіп тұрды " though there is just a message of something, but here " ат ізін салмады — ат ізін құрғатпады ", did not just report about it, but strengthened stylistic value, having expressed it impressive.
In modern English we can distinguish several semantic types of phraseological antonyms. This article takes into account the data relating to the semantic types of lexical antonyms [5; 288 - 297].