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Историческое развитие окончаний падежей в Тюркских исследованиях

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                                                                    Бакен А.А., магистр гуманитарных наук, Туралы Е., Рамазанова Д.,

 студенты 3 курса

КарГУ им.Е.А.Букетова

Аннотация:  В данной статье рассматривается история и особенности древне Тюркских падежей.  Так как, казахский язык относитмя к тюркским языкам, в данной статье также представлено сравнение падежей древне казахского и современного казахского языка.  

Ключевые слова: падеж, падежные окончания, объемные окончания, прикрепление, склонение.


Alemgul Baken, Master of Arts

Erkenaz Turaly, Diana Ramazanova 

students of 3-rd course

Buketov Karaganda State University

Abstract: The historical developments and peculiarities of the the Old Turkic cases are considered in this article. As so Kazakh language relates to Turkic language there are shown the comparison of old and modern Kazakh cases.

Key words: case, case-endings, volumetric endings, affixation, declention.

Turkish studies is a separate branch of studies formed as a result of the study the language, ethnography, history, folklore, culture of the nationalities, speaking Turkiс languages.

The notion of ‘turkish studies’ was firstly introduced  and developed in science while studying Orkhon-Yenisei (Orkhon and Yenisei monumental inscriptions), the old Uyghur, Manichaean, and other inscriptions. These inscriptions are considered as invaluable data in studying the history, language, literary monuments, intellectual and material culture of old Turkic tribes, inhabited within the territory of Central Asia and other areas. In the later period, it developed on the basis of studying historical, philological and geographical records, written in Arabic, Persian and Turkish languages in the Middle Ages.

It is clear, that in the Old Turkic as in the modern Turkish language there were case-endings like grammar and volumetric endings. In the process of developing the language these case-endings conjugated semantically within themselves. In the Old Turkic, in the inscriptions of Middle Ages we can see the phenomenon of shifting the case endings in these two groups.

Case-endings, used in Turkish languages in V-VIII centuries and the usage, conjugation of categories and grammar functions in the inscriptions of XI-XV centuries are not the same. When we compare two different epochs the following differences can be determined: some cases in the Old Turkic in V-VIII centuries were used in two and three grammar functions, there were diffusion process of cases,  and case-endings were used as link-words.  

The main declining words are nouns. Although, nowadays every substantivized word accepts case ending. This phenomenon is not new in the history of Turkish languages, yet was not so widespread as today. Case category is a separate one in Kazakh linguistics. Modifying of a noun by means of case ending is called noun declension. There are seven case endings in Turkish languages: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, locative, ablative and instrumental. Suffixes, linking the nouns in a sentence with the other words in the sentence, are called case endings. Now, let us pay attention to the examples of case endings in Turkic languages to differentiate the peculiarities of case endings in the Old Turkic.

Nominative case. Nominative case form was used in its direct meaning, in other words without special grammar characteristic, singular, plural and possessive   forms of the words. For example, тәңри-тәңір, намаз-намаз, дүниа-дүние, башы-басы, әбчи-әйел.

It is said that words in the form of nominative case are used in other cases (genitive, dative and others). For example, ағзум-ауызымның, йүзүңүз-жүзіңізді, қолларунуз-қолыңызды [1].

Nevertheless, in modern Kazakh language grammar case endings with suffixes are considered as visible and case endings without suffixes are considered invisible. Their adverbial usage is often found in inscriptions of V-IX centuries.

Genitive case. Genitive case was used in the ancient Kipchak inscriptions to show possession, relation to and grammatical dependency. Genitive case suffixes are always used with possessive case suffixes in a sentence in Turkic languages. Genitive case suffixes in the Old Turkish languages are: «-нуң, -нүң, -нын, -нин. For instance, тәңиринин-тәңірінің, дүнйаның тиреки-дүниенің тірегі, ағачниң сынмақы-ағаштың сынуы, йелниң соғуы-желдің соғуы, ериларниң кусанчи-ерлердің қуанышы, ананың оулу-ананың ұлы, көкниң чығы-көктің шығы and the others» [1]. Looking at the examples giving above, we can say that the first part of subordinated word combinations are nouns and subject pronouns referring to people and animals, while the second part shows us the quality, special features and natural descriptions of the animate objects. This case is used to show that a part of a thing belongs to whole. It also shows connection between animate and inanimate objects and their actions.

In the ancient inscriptions genitive case is mainly formed with the help of suffixes -ың, -ің, -уң, -үң, as well as it is distinguished with the beginning of vowels or consonants. For instance, in the inscription of Orkhon-Yenisei with the help of the suffixes -ың, -ің (будуның, қағаның), in the old Uyghur inscription –ның, -нің (ақамның-ағамның, ішінің-ісінің, Мысырның-Мысырдың), in  «Codex Cumanicus» -ның, -нің, -нуң, -нүң and less often the variant when after consonant comes suffixes –ың, -ің (атның, баланың, көзімізің, ханның) [2, 272].


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