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Шпаргалка по "Английскому языку"

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Билет №17

  1. The UK parliamentary election system and the political party system.

For electoral purposes Britain is divided into constituencies [kən'stɪtjuənsɪ]

(сайлау округі — избирательный округ), each of which returns (заң қызметіне сайлау — избирать в законодательный орган) one member to the House of Commons.

British citizens, together with citizens of other Commonwealth countries and citizens of the Irish Republic resident in Britain, may vote provided they are aged 18 or over; and included in the annual register of electors [ɪ'lektəs] (сайлауші — избиратель) for the constituency. People not entitled to vote include:

•        patients detained under mental health legislation,

•        sentenced prisoners and people convicted within the previous 5 years of corrupt or illegal election practices,

•        members of the House of Lords.

     Each elector may cast one vote (бір сайлау бюллетенін салу — опускать один избирательный бюллетень), normally in person at a polling station ['pəulɪŋ] (сайлау учаскесі — избирательный участок). Voting is not compulsory. British citizens and citizens of other Commonwealth countries, together with citizens of the Irish Republic may stand for elections as MPs provided they are aged 21 or over and are not disqualified.

     Those disqualified are:

•        undischarged bankrupts [ʌndɪs'ʧɑːʤd] (құқықтары шектеулі — не восстановленный в правах (банкрот туралы — о банкроте);

•        people sentenced to more than one year imprisonment;

•        Clergy of the Church of England,

•        Clergy of the Church of Scotland,

•        Clergy of the Church of Ireland,

•        Clergy of the Roman Catholic Church,

•        peers.

     A candidate must also deposit 500 pounds. The maximum sum a candidate may spend on a general election campaign is 4642 + 3.9 pence for each elector in a borough constituency or 5.2 pence for each elector in a country constituency.

1.2   The party system is an essential element in the working of constitution. For over 150 years Britain’s system of parliamentary democracy has been based on organized political parties competing to form the government.

      For the last 150 years a predominantly two-party system has existed in Britain. Since 1945 either the Conservative [kən'sə:vətɪv] Party, whose origins go back to the Tories of the late 17th century, or the Labour ['leɪbə] Party, which emerged in the last decade of the 19th century, has held power.

There are other parties as well. They are:

•        Liberal Democrats party;

•        Scottish National party;

•        Plaid Cymru [plaɪd 'kʌmri] (Welsh Nationalist) party;

•        Ulster Unionist ['ʌlstə 'ju:njənɪst] party;

•        Ulster Democratic Unionist party;

•        UK Unionist party;

•        Social Democratic party and Labour party.

The ruling party since 2010 is Conservative Party and it has at present 306 people elected to the House of Commons. Political parties are neither registered nor formally recognized in law, but the system depends on the existence of at least 2 parties in the House of Commons, each of which is capable of forming a government.

  1. Vietnam War

 When Communist ['kɔmjunɪst] and nationalist rebels fought French colonialism in Indochina after World War II, President Truman sent military aid to France. After the French withdrew from Southeast Asia ['sauθ 'i:st 'eɪʃə] in 1954, President Dwight David Eisenhower ['dwaɪt 'deɪvɪd 'aɪzənhauə] dispatched American advisers and aid to help set up a democratic, pro-Western government in South Vietnam. Under President Kennedy, thousands of military officers trained South Vietnamese [vɪetnə'mi:z] soldiers and sometimes flew Vietnamese warplanes into combat. In August 1964, two American destroyers sailing in the Gulf of Tonkin ['tɔnkɪn] (Тонкин шығанағы, Бакбо шығанағы — Тонкинский залив, залив Бакбо) reported attacks by North Vietnamese torpedo [tɔː'pi:dəu] boats. President Lyndon Johnson ['lindən 'ʤɔnsn] launched air strikes against North Vietnamese naval bases. The first American combat soldiers were sent to Vietnam in March 1965. By 1968, 500,000 American troops had arrived. Meanwhile, the Air Force gradually stepped up B-52 raids against North Vietnam, first bombing military bases and routes, later hitting factories and power stations near Hanoi. Demonstrations protesting American involvement in this undeclared and, many felt, unjustified war broke out on college campuses in the United States. There were some violent clashes between students and police. In October 1967, 200,000 demonstrators demanding peace marched on the Pentagon ['pentəgən] in Washington. Ever increasing numbers of Americans from all walks of life (жұмыс ортасы, қоғамдық жағдай — сфера деятельности, общественное положение) opposed the involvement of the United States in the war in Indochina, and in the 1968 election, President Johnson offered to negotiate an end to the Vietnam War. That action caused the most massive and violent campus protests in the nation’s history. During a demonstration at Kent State University in Ohio, National Guardsmen killed four students. By 1973, Nixon had signed a peace treaty with North Vietnam, brought American soldiers home.

  1. Explain the meaning of the term “Conurbation” (Агломерация)

Conurbation - is a region that includes a number of megacities, cities, large settlements and other urban areas that, as a result of population growth and physical expansion, have merged into one continuous urban or industrially developed area.

Агломерация - это регион, включающий ряд мегаполисов, городов, крупных населенных пунктов и других городских районов, которые в результате роста населения и физического расширения объединились в одну непрерывную городскую или промышленно развитую область.

Билет №18


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