Сочинение по "Английскому языку"
Автор: Nas29 • Апрель 17, 2018 • Сочинение • 2,013 Слов (9 Страниц) • 477 Просмотры
Ex. 20. Now it is time you read the whole text in detail. Compress it into eight-nine sentences. To do this, answer the questions given below. DESEGREGATION - Cancellation, elimination of segregation, elimination of legislation that separates the population on the basis of race.
1) constitutional or legal power granted by the Constitution. 3) public opinion
The Executive branch of government now is a huge bureaucracy , and officials in charge of certain departments or agencies sometimes feel more responsibility to those departments and agencies than to the President. The problem any modem President faces is the same problem confronted by the head of any large bureaucracy: how to make the bureaucracy function effectively? Persuasion plays a not insignificant role in solving this problem.
Deliberately or with speed
The act of interpretation creates the possibility of a rhetorical situation in which a President may have to justify his interpretation vis-a-vis other interpretations; that is, he may have to persuade others that his interpretation is correct and appropriate. President Nixon argued repeatedly that the constitutional principles of confidentiality and executive privilege prevented him from turning over the executive tape recordings concerning Watergate to the courts. е) What is the implication of a President being a legislative leader or a head of his party? Each year, the President places before Congress his legislative agenda for the year in his State of the Union Address. He can try to wipe out Congress in making his decisions and lead the country along his path.
The decline of the party system has diminished the President's ability to exercise control over bis party in Congress, which is one reason why recent Presidents have taken their case to the people to get them to put pressure on their representatives and senators to enact presidential policies.
The President often is required by political necessity to appeal to the public for its support against the opposing party. Titus, presidential popularity and presidential public persuasion become essential ingredients in the exercise of political power.
Rest? Рersuasion is how public opinion is formed, changed, and influenced. The discipline of presidential rhetoric is concerned with the study of presidential public persuasion as it effects the ability of a President to exercise the pow ers of the office. It is a study of how Presidents gain, maintain, or lose public support. Ex. 21. Tlie title of the coming text is a question. Try to guess the answcr(s) the author gives to this question in the text. Why Study Presidential Rhetoric? Presidential rhetoric is a new discipline of study within the field of rhetoric. Scholars in this discipline are concerned with how public language and public arguments influence the exercise of presidential power. The principal goal of these studies is to help in understanding the contemporary presidency and how the rhetorical presidency functions and should function. And continuing these studies is important for three reasons. First, persuasion is central to the exercise of power, especially to presidential power. The President's ability to place his views before the public is important primarily because he can usually set the terms (задавать параметры) of the national debate - and anyone who can set the terms of a debate can win it. Thus does presidential rhetoric become a major source in the exercise of power. Furthermore, with the advent of television and the President’s immediate access to it and thus to the people, the President can gain (зд. - перехватить) the rhetorical initiative over his opponents. Second, presidential rhetoric is a means of legitimacy (законность) The persuasive process - the rhetorical process, that is - is at the center of his legitimizing function. By participating in the rhetorical dialogue between governor and governed, the President symbolically reaffirms his commitment (подтверждать свое обязательство) to the channel through which the subservient (подданные) grant their governors powers to rule. Finally, rhetoric is at the center of democratic policies. If we do not engage in national debates marshalling (располагая в определенном порядке) persuasive arguments for one position over another, how- then arc we to decide issues? A totalitarian society- has no use for rhetoric, for persuasion, for debate. Compliance (согласие) with laws and authorities is enforced (зд. - насильно достигается) either through coercion (принуждение) by the state police or through confinement (тюремное заключение). Democratic decision-making requires debates and arguments for a reasonable society-, and rhetoric is a kind of instrument (though not a perfect one!) to achieve the goal. Ex. 22. Now read the text and say if you were right in guessing the answers to the question in the title. Ex. 23. Make up the summary out of the text. To do this, answ er the question ticking the ideas that are appropriate (according to the text). Whv Do We Studv Presidential Rhetoric?
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