Отчет по этнологической практике
Автор: Felix2021 • Октябрь 19, 2021 • Творческая работа • 359 Слов (2 Страниц) • 292 Просмотры
Отчет по этнологической практике
Блок 1
Средний возраст респондента-60, 8 лет
Общественный класс-интеллигенция
The six-pointed cross is 51.8 cm high, the length of the upper intersection is 14 cm, the lower one is 21 cm. The base is made of cypress. 21 gold plates with small enamel images are attached to the front and back surfaces, silver plates with an inscription are attached to the side ones. The cross is decorated with 8 precious stones and an ornament, the edge of the front side of the cross is framed by a string of pearls[2].
The plates of the front side represent an iconographic composition-a large, or expanded Deesis. At the upper ends of the cross there are belt images of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and John the Baptist, in the center of the Lower intersection there are four evangelists; at the ends there are archangels Gabriel and Michael, in the lower part of the cross, after the intersection there are images of Saints Euphrosyne of Alexandria, Sophia and the Great Martyr George (heavenly patrons of the customer and her fathers)[2].
A small four—pointed cross is attached to the upper intersection, and a six-pointed cross is attached to the Lower one.
On the reverse side of the cross are the images of the church fathers-Saints John Chrysostom, Basil the Great, Gregory of Nazianzus, the Apostles Peter and Paul, the First Martyr Stephen, the Great Martyrs Demetrius of Thessalonica and Panteleimon. Inscriptions are made above each icon in partly Greek, partly Slavic letters[2].
In the middle of the cross, in five square signed nests, there were relics: fragments of the Cross of Christ with drops of his blood, a stone from the tomb of the Mother of God, a particle from the Holy Sepulchre, particles of the relics of Saints Stephen and Panteleimon, the blood of St. Demetrius[2].
Silver plates were attached to all the side surfaces, 20 of them have been preserved, there are pearls; the following inscription is placed in a spiral in two rows: