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ФГБОУ ВО «Тульский государственный педагогический университет им. Л.Н. Толстого»

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«Иностранный язык (с двумя профилями подготовки)»

Чернопятова Анна Андреевна

Тула, 2018 год

For my analysis I’ve chosen a book “Green Mile” by Stephen King.

It’s a story told by a prison officer Paul Edgecombe in the Cold Mountain. He is the main character of this book together with John Coffey, who has been a prisoner. These characters changed each other’s lifes a lot and had, to my mind, some sort of a connection.

Their fates interlace with fates of other people such as Janice - Paul’s wife, Brutal Howell, Dean Stanton, Harry Terwilliger and Percy Wetmore - Edgecombe’s inferiors in prison, Delacroix and William Wharton - other prisoners, Warden Moores - the prison chief and his wife Melinda. I can call these characters minor ones but everybody of them had its special role in the development of the main characters and in the plot of the whole story.

The most interesting character for me is Percy Wetmore. He is one of the prison guards and works here only because of his connections. He does it because he enjoys it. He enjoys beating prisoners, humiliating and insulting them. He behaves evilly, and you understand that he is a negative character from his first appearance.

Even if I don’t like this character at all, he made me think a lot about, who the real evil is. Percy steps on the Delacroix’s favourite mouse Mr. Jingles, he beats Delacroix fiercely when he first comes in, he makes his death the most miserable event that the walls of the prison have ever seen. He constantly threatens his coworkers and makes a lot of trouble for them.

Percy Wetmore works in a Cold Mountain, he is not imprisoned in it like John Coffey, but it’s the biggest misconception of this story.

Despite my disgust to this character, I really value him in this story. His deeds contrast with the deeds of other characters, demonstrating that we can’t judge by the first impression. John is innocent and he is to go on the green mile. He cures people and won’t hurt a fly. Percy is a despicable man and he is on the other side of the cell. He is constantly oppressing on everybody around to assert himself. So Percy’s example shows that it doesn’t matter on which side of the cell you are. It can’t make you good or bad, only your actions can.

This book is written in the form of a story in a story. At first there were the events in the Cold Mountain penitentiary in Louisiana State. It’s interesting that all of these miracles happened only during one month of November in 1932. It is told by a one hundred and six-year old Paul Edgecombe. He is in Georgia Pines - a nursing home - in 1996.

These two lines change each other during the story and we read either about Paul’s life now or about the events of the 1932.

Apparently I liked this book very much. It is full of psychological stuff and analisis which I adore. The most amazing for me in books is to read how the heroes change during the narration, how they outlive the mind cataclysms. This book is full of small details, that give the reader a space for deep thoughts.

I like when everything is not evident and you have to really shake up your brain to see the real meaning and thoughts of the author. The most interesting fact about this book is that it’s connected with M.Bulgakov’s “Master and Margarita”. I should say that I don’t like this book much, but I’m pretty sure that it’s one of the most interesting books that is too difficult to understand. John’s Coffy initials are the same as Jesus Christ’s (J.C.), and the line of his and Pilat’s has all the same peculiarities as the line with John Coffey.

It’s not the first book by Stephen King that I’ve read but with every new story I like this author more and more. He is a genius for me and as any other genius he has a difficult maturation. His father “went out for cigarettes”, when Stephen was two, and never came back. He was a rather religious boy and saved his beliefs up until now.

It is said that he had become a witness of his friend’s death, who was killed by a train. He doesn’t remember this accident, but it can be a reason of so much horrors in his fantasie.

He married Tabitha Spruce in 1971. They were very poor at that time. She was still a student and he couldn’t find a normal job. He earned barely more than the living minimum, so they had to buy the cheapest rings that costed 15$. They joked about whether they would leave a green mark and whether they would be able to wear them long enough to know. So much time passed but the spouses still didn’t change these rings on more expensive ones. They value these rings as a reminding of who they were back then, how poor they were but at the same time how happy. It looks like this story is imaginary but it’s the truth and shows what a special relationships the couple have. Such cases make me believe that the real love and truly happy families exist.

King had drinking problems that lasted for about a decade. He was also taking different drugs, and everything was so bad that he can’t even remember the writing of the whole book “Cujo”. Now he is perfectly well.

Stephen King believes than only a lot of practise can help you to become a good writer: “from four to six hours a day”. His main principle in writing is “what if”. He imagines that he is in a certain situation and then he develops the plot further. To my opinion, it makes his stories so real that it can make your blood run cold.

The most amusing story from his life is an attempt to leave writing. In 1999 Stephen King was injured in a car accident and couldn’t even sit because of the great pain. He made an announcement that it’s the end of his writing career. Since then he published about 15 books, 15 stories, 3 series of comics and also has a regular column in Entertainment Weekly. So nothing can overcome his will to write.



baton           [ˈbætən]         жезл, дубинка

brutal           [bruːtl]            жестокий, зверский, звериный


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