Общая характеристика организации, концепция организации как хозяйствующего субъекта
Автор: Ayka07 • Январь 7, 2019 • Лекция • 12,724 Слов (51 Страниц) • 554 Просмотры
Theme № 1. Concept and types of organization
Lecture 1.
- Concept of organization. General characteristics of the organization.
- Formal and informal organizations. Horizontal and vertical division of labor. The main levels of management.
- The management process in the organization.Object and subject of management.
- Entrepreneurship in the management system. Entrepreneurs as managing directors. Management directed to success. Model of the modern manager
- Concept of organization. General characteristics of the organization.
The organization — consolidation of the people (that is society) jointly realizing the program or the purpose and acting on the basis of certain rules and procedures. The concept of the organization is connected with dynamic regularities, i.e. the regularities relating to functioning, behavior and interaction of parts; usually corresponds to concepts of structure, system, management.
The organization — a social organism which is directed to goal achievement and is consciously structured
The organization is formed and individuals, groups (formal and informal), all labor collective are subjects and at the same time objects of management (often collective and is accepted to the organization).
Perception of the organizations as social and economic systems was changed by a circle of requirements to the modern manager who includes:
• indispensable and fixed self-development;
• development of communicative and representative skills;
• management of information;
• forming and maintenance of the harmonious culture ensuring team creative functioning both corresponding labor and interpersonal relations;
• employee assistance in instability conditions;
• constant development of personnel;
• government of the teams consisting of representatives of different cultures;
• and also accomplishment of traditional functions: planning, organization of activities, management of finance, material production factors, personnel as key factor of goal achievement, control etc.
Certainly, fundamental knowledge from the fields of psychology, sociology, social psychology, pedagogies is useful.
Typologies of the organizations as social systems are various. Let's give a domestic typology of the economic organizations within which depending on methods of approval of the authority four models of the relations between heads and subordinates are given:
• bureaucracy (the head as the chief): interaction on the basis of administrative hierarchy, tough distribution of obligations. Decisions — for heads, execution — for subordinates, control is smoothly running, responsibility on the contractor, contacts down forkmalny, depersonifitsirovaniy, business;
• paternalism (the head in a part of the host): accurate hierarchy, the rights of the owner are indisputable, decisions and control — behind him, information incomplete, job management rather flexible, is interchangeability, collective responsibility, unity of the organization — thanks to personal influence of the owner, relations are given personal nature, extra working problems of subordinates become a subject of care of the owner;
• fraterializm (brotherhood; the head in a leader role);
• the hierarchy smoothes out, aspiration to joint decision making, orientation to conscious accomplishment, independence and trust, flexibility and mutual assistance, failure — a collective trouble, the relations expressly informal, division of problems of subordinates on working and non-working isn't present;
• partnership (the head — the coordinator): the hierarchy is obviously not expressed, decisions on the basis of general and benevolent discussion, subordinates understand a sense of decisions and carry out them in the course of independent work, accurate functions are assigned to everyone, but there is no current control, there is a general coordination, responsibility for a certain site — on the specific contractor, the depersonifitsirovana relations, are transferred to an office and contractual basis, establishing off-duty communications is optional, so it as well as understanding of personal records, special commitment isn't required to the entity, it is necessary to carry out the case only well.
Lifecycle of the organization. The general law of living beings — the law of development, or lifecycle. Lifecycle of system consists of the periods of origin, evolution, stability and involution (recession). This law is shown both in relation to the organizations, and in relation to workers. If the letter K designated any quality of system, for example a physical force of the person, sales volume of new products of the company, and a letter T — time, then the curve of lifecycle looks as it is shown in fig. 3. On it points of bifurcation (b), i.e. a change when the system is in an unstable condition from which exits both in the direction of degradation, and in the direction of stabilization or the next stage of rise are possible are noted.
[pic 1]
Fig. 3. Law of development or lifecycle
The condition of crisis, i.e. sharp difficulty, is immanently inherent in any live system, and the crisis phenomena in the organization have to be considered as the natural state connected with ontogenesis and/or the external environment. In due time diagnosed crisis signs, presence of adequate potential allows the organization to come to a new cycle of development, but not to slip in crisis, and then the line of development takes the form presented in fig. 4.
[pic 2]
Fig. 4. Line of development of the successful organization
Development is both property, and the characteristic, and need requirement of any live system, it both is internally inherent in it, and is the phylogenetic law.
V. Zigert and L. Lang, as well as many others, consider the dynamic processes happening in life of the organization as a complete organism and allocate separate stages of an ontogenesis of the organizations and feature of their behavior at different stages. They unambiguously connect organization development with development of people