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Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку"

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Контрольная работа по иностранному языку

Контрольная работа должна включать следующие разделы:

  • титульный лист;
  • содержание (оглавление) работы;

. результаты выполненных заданий



Басова София Вячеславовна


Водзинская Вера Витальевна


Воробьёва Ирина Александровна


Гайфутдинова Юлия Александровна


Карамзина Анна Дмитриевна


Лиханова Дарья Дмитриевна


Монгуш Чаян Мергенович


Монгуш Чейнеш Сергеевна


Перевалова Олеся Сергеевна


Расковский Даниил Сергеевич


Славиковская Алина Владиславовна


Франц Марина Вячеславовна


Чигиринский Антон Юрьевич


Щербатова Алена Константиновна



Postal services history and origins

The beginning of the origin of postal communication is the origin of writing. Since the advent of slave-owning countries, there has been a need for rulers to keep abreast of everything that is happening in their country. The first institutions of such postal communication appeared in ancient times. At first these institutions were exclusively military in nature. The most developed postal connections were considered in Egypt, they can be considered the forerunner of modern mail.

The Post of Ancient Egypt consisted of numerous messengers supplying pharaohs with information. The riders had to be overcome long distances in the shortest possible time, so postmasters began to use postal pigeons as well. Such a mail system gradually began to appear in other countries.

In ancient Rome, only rich people could afford their own messengers. The state post was founded by Julius Caesar. It was subordinate directly to the emperor and was not intended for private use. On land, mail transportations were carried out with the help of horses, They were transported by sea on ships.

 In those days, the phrase "Statio posita in ..." was used, which meant "station located in ...". It was from the word "posita" that the word "post" came to be the post.

With the development of trade and crafts, there has been an increased interest in the transmission of messages, the dispatch of letters. This contributed to the emergence of a variety of messenger services and mails that served craftsmen and merchants. Merchant mail was in large trading houses, having their own couriers.

In the 19th century, with the advent of railways and shipping, and in the 20th century also an airplane, the speed of mailings increased significantly. The postal service has become of general state importance and began to serve all citizens. The railway network grew rapidly and the number of trains increased daily, and the number of mails increased accordingly. Mail has become more sophisticated, there are cheap postal rates, as well as a number of new trade operations and postal services.

Even when it was invented in 1876 by telephone, telegraph and radio, the post did not lose its role as a means of mass communication

Задание 2. Подберите к словам из левой графы русские эквиваленты, помещённые в правой графе, опираясь на содержание текста:

  1. transportation
  1. купец
  1. postman
  1. Железная дорога
  1. pigeons
  1. торговля
  1. merchant
  1. пароходство
  1. trade
  1. государственный
  1. forerunner
  1. перевозка
  1. railways
  1. почтальон
  1. shipping
  1. граждане
  1. messengers
  1. голуби
  1. state
  1. услуга
  1. citizens
  1. гонцы
  1. service
  1. предшественник

Найдите перевод предложений в тексте

  1. Почтовая связь
  2. Рабовладельческая страна
  3. Почта приобрела общее государственное значение и стала обслуживать всех граждан.
  4. Началом возникновения почтовой связи является зарождение письменности.
  5. Самыми развитыми почтовые связи считались в Египте, именно их можно считать предшественником современной почты.
  6. На суше почтовые перевозки выполнялись с помощью коней, по морю переправлялись на кораблях.

Ответьте на вопросы

Where did the word post come from?

By whom was the state post founded?

What has happened in 19 and 20 century?

Where were the most developed postal connections?


World Post day is celebrated every year on October 9, the anniversary of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), which started in 1874 in Switzerland. The UPU was the start of the global communications revolution, introducing the ability to write to others all over the world. World Post Day started in 1969. Since then, countries all over the world take part in celebrations to highlight the importance of the postal service. Many things happen on this day. Post offices in some countries hold special stamp collection exhibitions; there are open days at postal measures and there are workshops on postal history. The UPU organises an international letter writing competition for young people.


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