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Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку"

Автор:   •  Сентябрь 22, 2022  •  Контрольная работа  •  2,514 Слов (11 Страниц)  •  153 Просмотры

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I. Answer the following questions:

  1. People send their children to school to prepare them for the time when they will be grown-ups and will have to work for themselves.
  2. They need to know foreign languages in order to be able to benefit from what people in other countries have written and said, and in order to make people from other countries understand what they themselves mean.
  3. Children study their native language so that they will be able to express clearly their thoughts.
  4. The purpose of school is not only to teach children different subjects, but, first of all, to teach them the way to study.
  5. Effective learning is the learning you do yourself.
  6. University work is much more than school work - a process of self-education. You will have to plan your work for weeks, even months ahead.
  7. They want to know every day of their lives more and more and more. Because every time you learn something new you become something new.


II. self-education – самообразование

a native/foreign language – родной / иностранный язык

a subject – предмет, дисциплина

further education – дополнительное образование

to express one’s thoughts – выражать свои мысли

to benefit – извлечь пользу

to provide knowledge – давать знания

practical use –  практическое применение

to cope with the situation – справиться с ситуацией

effective learning – эффективное обучение

essays – рефераты

in the interim – тем временем

to assess one’ academic progress – оценивать свой академическую успеваемость

remote – незначительный, далекий

methods of study – методы обучения

to acquire learning habits – выработать привычки к обучению

heavy demands – высокие требования

subject-matter – тема

appreciation of theories – оценка теорий

solution of the problems – решение проблем

to digest knowledge – усваивать знания

III. получить образование – get an education

учеба – learning, study

академическая успеваемость – academic progress

самообразование – self-education

познать окружающий  мир – to know about the world around us

усваивать знания – to digest knowledge

дополнительное образование – further education

давать знания – to provide knowledge

наилучшим образом – in the best way

давать оценку – to assess

планировать работу заранее – to plan work for some time ahead

невежество – ignorance

экзаменационная работа – examination paper

тема – subject-matter

высокие требования – heavy demands

осознать роль обучения – to realize the role of learning

запоминать – to memorize

продолжить образование – to continue education

способ мышления – way of thinking

желание узнать ч/л новое – the desire to know something new

быть приспособленным к жизни – to be fitted for life

развивать навыки – to develop good habits


a) study – learn

grown-up – adult

successful – winning

provide – offer

assess – evaluate

different – various

purpose – aim

education – instruction

major – main

method – way

acquire – gain

essay – paper

approval – appreciation

cope – manage

remote – distant

b) grown-up – immature

native – foreign

understand – misunderstand

successful – unsuccessful

knowledge – ignorance

memorize – forget

remote – near

effective – ineffective

interim – permanent

appreciation – disapproval

awareness – unawareness

digest – reject


  1. A person who really knows how to learn will always be successful because he knows how to cope with the situation in the best way.

2. They need to know foreign languages in order to be able to benefit from what people in other countries have written and said, and in order to make people from other countries understand what they themselves mean.

3. Children study their native language so that they will be able to express clearly their thoughts.

4. They study geography in order to know about the world around them, history provides knowledge about the important events which took place in their own country and abroad.

5. An ignorant person teaches his children ignorance, but an educated one catalyzes in young generation the burning desire to know and love for the truth and beauty.


1. People educate children for the purpose of fitting them for life.

2. If you ask yourself why we go to school, you will probably say that we go to study our native language and foreign ones, geography, geometry, history, science and other subjects.


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