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Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку"

Автор:   •  Июнь 10, 2022  •  Контрольная работа  •  442 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  167 Просмотры

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Вариант 1


Прибуток - це те, що залишається після вирахування витрат на виробництво з реалізації. Прагнення до прибутку, або мотив прибутку, як його часто називають, є тією силою, яка керує нашою економічною системою. Люди, які займаються бізнесом, купують або продають землю чи інші природні ресурси, якщо думають, що можуть отримати прибуток від операції. Вони також використовують ці ресурси таким чином, щоб отримати найбільший прибуток. Прибуток впливає на розміщення робочої сили, впливає на розміщення капітальних ресурсів. Прибуток спонукає підприємців ризикувати капіталом, наймати працівників і купувати речі, необхідні для виробництва товарів і послуг. Прибуток також стимулює вдосконалювати продукцію, знижувати витрати та випереджати конкурентів.


  1. Businessmen buy or sell land or other natural resources if they expect to profit from this deal.
  2. In order to buy something, you need to have money.
  3. Consumers are people who use goods and services to meet their needs.
  4. Private property, price system, competition - the main "pillars" of economic systems.
  5. Economic incentives affect our decisions about what and where to buy.


Marketing is an activity to shape demand and meet consumer needs. In a broad sense, the purpose of marketing is to "identify and meet human and societal needs." Some use the term "marketing" as a fashionable analogue of the word "sales". Sales are definitely part of the marketing process, but marketing is much more important. Others understand this word as activities for the promotion and advertising of goods and services. Again, these are all components of marketing that he is not limited to. Marketing, in addition to identifying promising market segments (and deliberately abandoning those market segments that we are not going to work with), also includes interacting with customers - participants in those market segments that we have selected for ourselves. Such communication should usually take the form of dialogue, not monologue. In other words, marketing refers to "the ability to listen to the customer's opinion" or market research.Only after that it is necessary to start formulating clear messages that would take into account the interests of different categories of customers. These messages should then be communicated to consumers by the most appropriate means available under the circumstances. To create and deliver clear marketing messages, the 3M model is used in marketing. Thus, we must understand that marketing is more important than promotion or sales. This is the general vision of the company in relation to markets. Using the full range of marketing tools, we can achieve significant success by skillfully maneuvering among our competitors and providing quality service to our customers.For our business to be successful, we need to consider all aspects of marketing: strategic marketing, competitor analysis, market positioning, market research and, finally, conveying marketing messages to consumers.


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