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Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку"

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Agatha Christie

A Christmas Tragedy

pp. 88 ‒ 95

 2) Read the following sentences. Make a sentence of your own on each pattern.

- He had done a great piece of job and passed all the exams. I was forced to admit that he is still worth of my approval.

- You meant everything to me back then, whereas now it was clear that I don’t need you anymore.

- Not that she had anything much of value, but the old lady was pretty satisfied with hew way of living.

- He found the front door locked so he was forced to use the fire escape.

- Her jealous boyfriend got her to leave the party earlier and the day after I found out they had had a quarrel.

3) Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations and learn them by heart:

  • быть навеселе - on the lively side
  • собраться с силами, духом - pull oneself together
  • смертельно напуган - scared out of one’s wits
  • казалось, прошла целая вечность, прежде чем… - It seemed a positive age before
  • принцип, правило поведения, сентенция – maxim
  • дерзкий тип – cool customer
  • отвергнуть предположение
  • весьма вероятно - as likely as not
  • убитый горем вдовец - bereaved widower
  • негодяй, подлец – cool customer, scoundrel
  • твёрдое убеждение – firm conviction
  • желтовато-коричневый – fawn
  • между прочим - nay
  • вышитый - embroidered
  • похоронные агенты, гробовщики - undertakers
  • шататься, бродить по окрестностям – to stagger out
  • твёрдо, решительно – crisply
  • отдать кого-л. в руки правосудия - bring smb to justice
  • гуманистические принципы - humanitarian scruples
  • смертная казнь - capital punishment
  • делать поспешные выводы - jumping to conclusions

4) Match the columns to form word combinations from the text under consideration.

rough sailorman                                    

expert opinion                                      

hold one’s head                                        

pull oneself together                            

scared out of one’s wits                              

in no time                                      

quick inspection                                      

positive age                                  

completely demoralized                              

admirable maxim                              

nod approval                                        

deny sth emphatically                                  

puzzled frown                                

hat brim                                          

cool customer                                          

negative the idea                                  

as likely as not                                  

bereaved widower                                

hypocritical assumptions                          

surprised gasp                                

firm conviction                                        

efficient weapon                                  

suspicious aspect                              

embroidered slippers                          

servants’ quarters                                

establish one’s alibi                              

arrange sth decorously                            

humanitarian scruples                          

capital punishment                                  

stern face                                          

jump to conclusions    


5) Make up 5 sentences using as many word combinations from Ex.4 as possible.

1. She pulled herself together and there you could see her stern face as her the most efficient weapon.

2. He wanted an expert opinion but still jumped to conclusions without listening to anyone.

3. Acting like a “bereaved widower” he uttered a surprised gasp when he was told that he would execute all his wife’s testament.

4. I told everything that had occurred to establish my alibi and the inspector nodded approval.

5. I have a firm conviction that it is as likely as not that he will get a capital punishment.

Revision (pp.81-95)

6) Answer the following questions / do the following assignments:

1. Give a character sketch of:

a) Mr. Sanders: Mr Sanders was a big, good-looking, florid-faced man, very hearty in his manner and popular with all. Mr. Sanders turned out to be a very mean man, for whom a person's life was worthless. He was willing to kill his wife for the money. But I have to admit that this character is pretty smart. After all, the plan he came up with is pretty good. However, this man is still quite risky and self-confident, since there was an opportunity for him to fail.

b) Gladys Sanders: This is Mr. Sanders' wife. She's a nice enough girl. You can also say that she is impressionable. She was a fair girl, rather washed-out complexion, and an untidy roll of hair on her neck. Very credulous. 


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