Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку"
Автор: Анастасия Капко • Февраль 4, 2022 • Контрольная работа • 953 Слов (4 Страниц) • 241 Просмотры
Контрольная работа №5
Перед выполнением контрольной работы №5 внимательно прочитайте грамматический материал на тему: Объектный инфинитивный оборот (The Objective Infinitive Construction (Complex Object)).
Assignment 1. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Objective Infinitive Construction as in the models:
Model I: We expect that they will solve this problem very soon.
We expect them to solve this problem very soon.
- The scientists know that this phenomenon is important.
1.The scientists know this phenomenon to be important.
2. They suppose that she will take part in this work.
2. They suppose her to take part in this work.
3. We consider that he knows the subject well.
3. We consider him to know the subject well.
4. Chemists know that isotopes find wide application both in industry and agriculture.
4. Chemists know isotopes to find wide application both in industry and agriculture.
5. They expect the reaction will go to completion.
5. They expect the reaction to go to completion.
Model II: I thought that he had returned.
I thought him to have returned.
6. We knew that the invited group of scientists had arrived.
6.We knew the invited group of scientists to have arrived.
7. They learned that he had carried out the experiments by the end of the week.
7.They learned him to have carried out the experiments by the end of the week.
8. They expected that he had passed his last exam well.
8.They expected him to have passed his last exam well.
Assignment 2. Translate the following sentences into Russian, mind the Objective Infinitive Construction.
- They found that gas to be oxygen.
1. Они обнаружили, что этот газ - кислород.
2. They believe the substance to have dissolved.
2. Они считают, что вещество растворилось.
3. They watched the temperature rise gradually.
3.Они наблюдали за постепенным повышением температуры.
4. We suppose this substance to have liberated heat when the temperature had been gradually raised.
4. Мы предполагаем, что это вещество выделяло тепло, когда температура постепенно повышалась.
5. After a number of tedious experiments they made the substance dissolve.
5. После ряда утомительных экспериментов они заставили вещество раствориться.
Assignment 3. Translate into English using the Objective Infinitive Construction.
- Мы знаем, что этот метод широко используется в промышленности.
1.We know this method to be widely used in industry.
2. Мы думаем, что этот опыт был проведен успешно.
2. We think the experiment has to be conducted successfully.
3. Я предполагаю, что это вещество будет изучено.
3. I suppose this substance to be studied.
4. Я хочу, чтобы вы приняли участие в этом исследовании.
4. I want you to take part in this study.
5. Я вижу, как они проводят опыты в нашей лаборатории.