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Unit 3. Financial planning


  1. What is a financial plan? How to prepare a good financial plan?
  2. What are stages of financial planning? Is it a complicated process?
  3. Is sound financial plan important for a country? What is the role of financial planning in the country’s economy?


1. financial plan – финансовый план

financial capacity – финансовая возможность

financial environment – финансовая среда

financial prospects – финансовые перспективы

2. to evaluate - оценивать

synonym: estimate, assess

evaluation - оценка

3. a variable - переменная

to vary – меняться, различаться

variable – меняющийся, различный

4. cash flow – денежный поток

5. withdrawal – снятие, изъятие

to withdraw money – снимать деньги со счета

6. to ensure – обеспечивать

7. wealth - богатство

wealthy - богатый

8. expenses - расходы

synonym: expenditures, costs, spending

9. flexible - гибкий

flexibility - гибкость

10. update - обновление

11. requirement - требование

to require - требовать

required - требуемый

12. scope – сфера действия

13. estimation – приблизительные данные

14. working capital – оборотный капитал

15. business venture – фирма, предприятие

16. debt –долг

debt-equity ratio – коэффициент собственного капитала (соотношение капитала и долговых обязательств)

17. return – доход, прибыль

18. surplus - излишек

synonym: excess

19. to forecast – предсказывать, давать прогноз

synonym: to predict, to expect

a forecast - прогноз

forecasting - прогнозирование

revenue and expenditure forecast – прогноз доходов и расходов

20. challenge –вызов, проблема

21. assumption - предположение

to assume - предполагать

synonym: to believe, to suggest, to guess, to suppose

22. sustainable - устойчивый

synonym: sustained, stable, constant

sustainability – устойчивость, стабильность

23. to afford - позволять

affordable - доступный

affordability - доступность

24. to maintain – сохранять, поддерживать

25. metric - показатель

synonym: indicator, variable

Exercise 1. Match the words and word combinations with their definitions.

1. surplus

2. forecast

3. capital

4. sustainability

5. return

6. estimate

7. scope

8. maintain

9. afford

10. allocation

a. keep at the same rate or level

b. profit from the implemented financial transactions

c. area covered by an activity or topic

d. to have financial means for

e. distribution or spreading of limited resources

f. to estimate or predict in advance

g. a tentative evaluation or rough calculation

h. the ability to be constant, without causing problems such as inflation

i. excessive amount or additional items

j. money invested in a corporation, including debt and equity

Exercise 2. Match the words with similar meanings.

1. metrics

2. expenditure

3. challenge

4. requirement

5. assumption

6. ensure

7. flexible

8. estimate

9. revenue

10. liability

a. condition

b. obligation

c. assess

d. guarantee

e. income

f. suggestion

g. issue

h. indicator

i. expense

j. adjusting

Exercise 3. Choose the best variant to complete the sentences.
1. We couldn’t even think that this deal would become a real ________.

a) exchange                        b) channel                     c) challenge

2.In order to come to some conclusion we have to take into account all the _________.

a) variables                         b) outputs                      c) numbers

3. The act of money _________ presupposes taking money out of someone’s account.

a) extraction                       b) withdrawal                 c) acceptance

4. It is a quite often situation when economists have only __________ and not exact figures.

a) assessings                       b) values                         c) estimates

5. Your theory is based only on the __________ but we need to have solid evidences.

a) assumings                         b) dreams                     c) assumptions

6. Economy is very unstable phenomena which behavior is extremely difficult to __________.

a) expect                               b) forecast                    c) prevent


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