Information technologies in Ukraine
Автор: Вікторія Закорчменна • Декабрь 1, 2023 • Творческая работа • 603 Слов (3 Страниц) • 167 Просмотры
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The rapid development of information technologies in Ukraine, which we have been observing for the last decade, is iнексереблі accompanied by the dynamic development of crimes in this area. We all know very well that any development and progress that brought сівілайзейшинал benefits and new opportunities to mankind was always accompanied by negative phenomena. In this case, mass computerization and the rapid development of digital technologies, which greatly сімпліфайд human life, were no ікспекшн. cybercrimes are the most dynamic group of socially dangerous acts, because every year cybercrimes become more and more massive and dangerous.
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in 2017, a large-scale attack by the Petya virus took place in Ukraine: energy companies, Ukrainian banks, Boryspil airport, Kharkiv airport, Chornobyl NPP, гавемент websites, Kyiv subway, etc. were affected. Our country has never experienced such a large-scale інвейжин of company servers.
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According to the experts of the International Monetary фонд , economic losses from the Petya virus attack amounted to almost ейт хандред ен фіфті million dollars. At the same time, the applications of the affected companies to the cyber police about the loss of data often went un answered, because in this case it turned out to be impossible to find and bring the пепетрейте(злочинець) to джастис.
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Today, almost all experts in the field of information technology admit that the situation with cybercrime in the world is getting worse. Organized crime is інкрсінглі using the Internet to hide its activities. Now you will not surprise anyone with the егзістинс of the Darknet network, with the help of which criminals have actually created a black market for the sale of drugs, weapons, stolen goods, etc. Thanks to technologies that ensure network anonymity, this part of the Internet remains completely uncontrolled and therefore safe for the activities of various criminal groups.
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According to data provided by the National Police of Ukraine, the number of organized groups and criminal organizations that commit criminal offenses with the use of high information technologies has increased by сирті сикс (36)% over the past year.
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The most common types of cybercrimes
For example
Piracy is the illegal distribution of intellectual property objects on the Internet.
Malware – the creation and distribution of viruses and malicious software.
Illegal content - content that promotes extremism, terrorism, drug addiction, pornography, the cult of cruelty and violence.