System of education in Spain
Автор: dinnwayne • Июнь 5, 2023 • Доклад • 635 Слов (3 Страниц) • 154 Просмотры
System of education in Spain.
Nowadays the system of education based on 4 basic levels of education:
- Preschool education
- Secondary education:
- compulsory secondary education
- Bachillerato
- Higher education
There is also secondary professional education. This type of education looks like the usual Russian vocational schools, colleges and technical schools.
The education system in Spain begins with preschool education for the youngest, which is not defined as compulsory, is free in public institutions and paid - in private ones. It can be divided into two stages:
- for children from 0 to 3 years;
- for children from 3 to 6 years.
Secondary education is compulsory. Like preschool education, it can be free in public institutions and paid in private ones. In addition to public and private colleges, the basic education system in Spain also includes religious educational institutions funded by the church.
- elementary stage for children from 6 to 12 years
- the second stage for students from 12 to 16 years old. When student finish the program, he receives a diploma of secondary education.
Secondary professional education occupies an important place in the education system in Spain. It can be obtained in 142 specialties. The following categories of citizens can receive secondary vocational education:
- college graduates with basic education diplomas;
- specialist assistants;
- Specialists;
- graduates of the Bachilerato course;
- university graduates;
- students who have successfully passed the entrance exam (the minimum age for passing this exam is 17 years).
The education system in Spain includes a level of bachilerato, which looks like the senior classes of a Russian secondary school and consists of two courses. Bachilerato is not a mandatory, but a voluntary stage of education. Studies at this stage are chosen mainly by those students who plan to continue their studies in higher educational institutions. The final exams at the bachilerato are the entrance exams to the university. Studying in bachilerato begins at the age of 16.
Bachilerato in Spain takes place in 3 areas:
- Art or performing arts, music and dance;
- Science and Technology:
- Humanities and Social Sciences
The student can choose any area.
Higher education system in Spain.
Higher university education in Spain according to european and world standards, as well as according to the norms of the Bologna process, is divided into three levels:
- Grado degree – Bachelor's degree. It is awarded after completing a three-year or four-year university course of study.
- Master's degree. It is awarded after completing a one-year or two-year highly specialized university course. Enrollment in such a course occurs only if you have a Grado degree.
- Doctorado degree, an analogue of russian postgraduate studies. The duration of the program is 3-6 years. You can enroll in a doctoral program after receiving a master's degree, and in some cases, after a bachelor's degree program.
The system of education in higher educational institutions is paid. The cost of education in a state university ranges from 2500 to 5000 euros per year. Studying at a private university in Spain will cost 3,000 - 10,000 euros per year. There is a developed system of scholarships and grants, as well as international exchange programs.