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Sleep, stages of sleep, dreams and interesting facts about them

Автор:   •  Январь 21, 2023  •  Эссе  •  815 Слов (4 Страниц)  •  245 Просмотры

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Today I will talk about sleep, stages of sleep, dreams and interesting facts about them.

•So , sleep is a special state of the brain and the whole body, characterized by muscle relaxation, a weak reaction to external stimuli.( екстенел стимюлай)

Sleep is a complex phenomenon, and it is not yet sufficiently ( сифішинтлі) studied, but as you know, a person sleeps a third of his life: he spends 25 years in sleep, which is approximately ( епроксиметлі)30-40% ( сеті ту фоті )of our life.

• why does a person need to sleep?

People often wonder why we should sleep? Perhaps ( пехепс) the most common answer is that we need to sleep so that our brains can rest. However, scientists have found that during sleep, brain cells not only do not try to relax, but also start to work even faster. People do not completely "turn off" the brain during sleep.

• Each sleep cycle consists of the following periods and phases:

the first period, this period develops immediately ( емідіатлі) after falling asleep, it is a slow (or deep) sleep

the second period - after an hour, slow sleep is replaced by fast sleep. In this phase, a person dreams.

• All people dream several times a night. The one who believes that he does not see dreams or sees them very rarely ( ( ререлі), simply does not remember. Dreaming is considered a characteristic feature of quick sleep and lasts 10-15 minutes. Any person who was awakened (евейкенд) during this period will say that he saw a dream and will be able to tell its meaning.( мінінг)

• Usually people have a good dream or a nightmare( найме), it all depends on how you spent your day and what you thought about before going to sleep.

And now I want to tell you some interesting facts about sleep

1. Few people know, but many discoveries were made in a dream: Mendeleev's table, the formula of benzene, as well as the popular song "Yesterday" by The Beatles and the novel "Frankenstein".

2. There is a genetic disease called "fatal familial insomnia." It killed more than 30 families around the world.

3. Dreams take up to 20% of all the time a person spends in sleep

4. Without sleep, a person can live for 10 days, while without food, he can live for 14 days.

5. Blind people also have dreams, but without pictures.

6. About 12% of people see black and white dreams

7. There are people who sleep with their eyes open

And there are many more such facts, and from this we can conclude ( конклудед) that sleep is one of the most interesting things that are studied. I believe that by studying sleep, we learn a lot about ourselves and our psyche. That’s oll.

Сьогодні я розкажу вам про сон , стадії сну , сновидіння та цікаві факти про них.

• Отже ,сон — це особливий стан мозку і всього організму , що характеризується розслабленням м'язів, слабкою реакцією на зовнішні подразники.

Сон — це складне явище, і воно ще недостатньо вивчене , але як відомо, людина третину свого життя спить: уві сні


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