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Pragmatic Adaptation in Translation of the Children's literature

Автор:   •  Апрель 19, 2023  •  Курсовая работа  •  5,905 Слов (24 Страниц)  •  273 Просмотры

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Центрально-Казахстанская Академия

Кафедра  «Иностранной филологии и переводческого дело»

Тулегенова Улбосын Жаксыбековна

(Ф.И.О. студента)


                                                КУРСОВАЯ РАБОТА

Pragmatic Adaptation in Translation of the Children's literature


Шифр, ОП)

ФИО студента  Тулегенова У. Ж.

ФИО научного руководителя_  Ганеев Руслан Рашидович

                                                    уч. степень, звание, должност


2022 г.



Введение                                                                                  3

Глава 1.  Pragmatic Adaptation                                                     

1.1.         The  general concept of pragmatic  adaptation                 4

Глава 2. Pragmatic Adaptation in Translation of the Children's literature


2.1.          Pragmatic Adaptation in Translation of the fairytale

«Sladunika» and «Sladunika.Part 2»                                         5                

Заключение                                                                          11

Список использованной литературы                                          12

Приложение                                                                           13





 This course work is devoted to the problem of application pragmatic adaptations in the translation of children's literature.
 The relevance of this study depends on the emergence of the problem Pragmatic adaptation is directed and used in the translation of fairytales to one of the most complex and least developed aspects of the theory translation.
When translating children's literature, translators often encounter pragmatic adaptation of the whole text, where it is necessary to take into account not only basic knowledge of the reader from childhood, as well as his own knowledge
children's folklore and national folk traditions. Such case, the logical content and subject may be violated in order to achieve the desired reaction of the reader and the desired communicative effect.

 However, despite the importance of such a technique as pragmatic adaptations when translating fairy tales, the problem remains unexplored.
The object of research is pragmatic adaptations in children's literature translation.
The goal of the study is to formulate the principles of application pragmatic adaptations to give the pragmatic potential translation text of fairy tales.

  The first chapter introduces the concept pragmatic adaptations.

  The second chapter describes the course and results of the application pragmatic adaptations when translating a Russian fairy tale into English.

  In conclusion, the results of the study are summarized.

  The bibliographic list consists of 4

  Appendix 1 gives an example of the translation of the fairy tale "Sladunika".





2.1 The  general concept of pragmatic  adaptation

 The concept of pragmatic adaptation cannot give an unambiguous explanation for linguists, which is due to the existence of several approaches to this phenomenon. It is believed that it was first identified by Canadian linguists J.-P. Wine and J. Darbelne, and later developed in the works of J. Delisle and J. Bastinet.

 V.N. Komissarov said that pragmatic adjustments are the changes made to the translated text in order to achieve the desired reaction of the actual recipient of the translation.

 N. Komissarov defines 4 types of pragmatic adaptation:

1. The first kind of pragmatic adaptation serves to ensure adequate understanding of the translation by receptors.
In this case, toponyms are given as examples, namely the proper names of various administrative units: in russian Kent - Kent County, Tasmania - the state of Tasmania, Aragon - the autonomous community of Aragon;

2. The second type of pragmatic adaptation provides emotional impact of the original text. Examples of such pragmatic adaptation are translations of titles of films and animated films: the title of the cartoon "Frozen" was translated into Russian as "Frozen heart".
In addition, it is worth noting that when changing the name, some meanings are transformed: in the original language, we expect to talk about the state of "frozeness".

3. The third type of pragmatic adaptation is characterized by the fact that it is directed not to the average, but to the specific communication situation and the specific recipient.

4. The fourth type of pragmatic adaptation is directly related to a number of reasons beyond the show –
political, economic, personal and others. The use of the fourth type of pragmatic adaptation is clearly illustrated with examples from newspaper headlines.


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