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My homeland is Kazakhstan

Автор:   •  Февраль 29, 2024  •  Доклад  •  840 Слов (4 Страниц)  •  21 Просмотры

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                          My homeland is Kazakhstan

      My homeland! For everyone, this familiar word has many meanings. For me, my motherland is not only my native country. I spent my childhood and youth here. I met my friends here. My country is a veritable repository of ancient history, wisdom and spirituality. Like every patriot, I will give my life for my motherland.My homeland is known for its world-famous writers, scientists, and poets. Yes, not everyone lives happily in this country - everyone has their own mistakes and shortcomings. But I was born here, I love this country. I love it for its ancient traditions passed down from generation to generation. I love wide fields and dense forests, vast mountains, rivers and calm lakes. Every corner is precious to me here.

     I am only a small part of my homeland. There are many representatives of different nationalities here. These people speak my mother tongue. Many people move to our country to improve their lives and find the happiness they are looking for. We are considered the most hospitable country. I think there is no better place in the world for a person than the place where he was born.

     Some emigrants who left their homeland and moved to another country call the other country "second homeland". I think this idea is wrong. A person can have only one homeland. We don't choose the country where we were born, but it will always be our home.Many people ask why I love my motherland. The first time I heard this question, I was even confused. I love my motherland, that's the answer. Sometimes I think this feeling started right after I was born. Of course, my parents, a teacher at school, made a significant contribution to my view of the country. Because in order to truly love your homeland, you need to know its history, customs and traditions. Love nature, if necessary, protect the country. Motherland should be protected, taken care of, improved and developed together with it, because everyone has only one Motherland, and we should not forget that we are only guests in other countries.

      The Kazakh country is as generous and generous as its vast vast steppe. Our brothers in the neighboring countries that are not getting independence say, "I would be happy to be a street sweeper of this country when my country gets independence." And our compatriots, are we appreciating this God-given garden?I think that in order for our motherland to prosper, we must first live in harmony with our country. Our grandfather Abai used to say that "If you don't see one as a brother and one as a friend, everything is in vain." The Kazakh nation must first be peaceful.I believe that every step we take in this country is sacred. Because the ancestors have been at the tip of the spear for centuries. He left for us for the future generations the land where he fought with the strength of his wrist and the cannons of the Russian Empire. I truly love my country if I say that the place where the spoon was protected from the enemy, the place where it was attacked by the enemy, the place that survived the red carnage of the Soviet Union, which was known as the "prison of great nations", is sacred.


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