My friend personality
Автор: Татьяна Наумова • Апрель 24, 2023 • Контрольная работа • 8,595 Слов (35 Страниц) • 200 Просмотры
1. My friend personality
I would like to describe my best friend.( Я хочу рассказать о моей лучшей подруге) ) I've known her since high school ( Мы с ней знакомы со школы) She is a beautiful girl who is 19 years old named Julia( Она красивая девушка 19 лет по имени Юля) She is short with short hair ( Она не высокого роста с короткими волосами) She has a rather gentle nature( У нее довольно мягкий характер) I consider her a very friendly and responsive person, which is why we have been friends for a long time (Я считаю ее очень дружелюбным и отзывчивым человеком , именно поэтому мы с ней давно дружим) Julia is a person you can rely on in a difficult moment (Юля это человек на которого можно положиться в трудную минуту) It is with her that I have a lot of positive things connected. (Именно с ней у меня связанно очень много положительных моментов.) Yulia is a very open person, responsive and strong in spirit and will ( Юля очень открытая , отзывчивая и сильная духом и волей) I really like the fact that she always achieves her goals no matter what (мне очень нравится в ней то ,что она всегда добивается своих целей несмотря ни на что) In some moments, we are quite different, I am quiet and calm, and she is on the contrary energetic and cheerful (в некоторых моментах мы с ней достаточно разные , я тиахя и спокойная, а она наоборот энергичная и веселая) Yulia is also very talkative and knows how to support any topic, so we always have something to talk about ( так же юля очень разговорчивая и умеет поддержать любую тему, поэтому нам всегда есть о чем поговорить)
2. The profession of a forensic expert.
A forensic expert is a person with special knowledge in the field of culture, art, science, craft. For court cases, it is important that a forensic expert has special knowledge in the field of forensic science, forensic photography and video recording, theory and practice of forensic examination, technical and forensic examination of documents, traceology, and the like. An expert can also be competent in the field of law: administrative, criminal, civil, procedural, and so on.
Duties of an expert:
· to accept for production an examination in the manner prescribed by law;
· to conduct a full study of the objects and materials presented to him, to give a substantiated and objective conclusion on the questions put before him in writing;
· to appear when summoned to the court and give explanations about the examination performed and the conclusion drawn up by the expert;
· draw up a reasoned written message about the impossibility of giving an opinion and send this message to the body or person who appointed the forensic examination, if the questions raised go beyond the expert's special knowledge;
· not to disclose information that became known to him in connection with the production of a forensic examination, including information that may restrict the constitutional rights of citizens, as well as information constituting a state, commercial or other secret protected by law;
· to ensure the safety of the submitted research objects and case materials.
2. Профессия судебный эксперт.
Судебный эксперт – это человек, обладающий специальными знаниями в области культуры, искусства, науки, ремесла. Для судебных дел важным является наличие у судебного эксперта специальных знаний в области криминалистики, судебной фотографии и видеозаписи, теории и практики судебной экспертизы, технико-криминалистической экспертизы документов, трасологии и тому подобное. Эксперт также может быть компетентным в области права: административного, уголовного, гражданского, процессуального и так далее.
Обязанности эксперта:
- принять к производству экспертизу в установленном законом порядке;
- провести полное исследование представленных ему объектов и материалов, дать обоснованное и объективное заключение по поставленным перед ним вопросам в письменном виде;
- явиться по вызову в суд и дать пояснения по поводу проведённой экспертизы и составленному экспертом заключению;
- составить мотивированное письменное сообщение о невозможности дать заключение и направить данное сообщение в орган или лицу, которые назначили судебную экспертизу, если поставленные вопросы выходят за пределы специальных знаний эксперта;
- не разглашать сведения, которые стали ему известны в связи с производством судебной экспертизы, в том числе сведения, которые могут ограничить конституционные права граждан, а также сведения, составляющие государственную, коммерческую или иную охраняемую законом тайну;
- обеспечить сохранность представленных объектов исследований и материалов дела.
4. Nizhny Novgorod State University
Nizhny Novgorod State University N.I. Lobachevsky (UNN) was founded on January 17, 1916 as one of the three People's Universities of Russia and became the first higher educational institution in Nizhny Novgorod. The Provincial Executive Committee on March 28, 1918, having considered the issue of training specialists for the national economy and culture of the region, decided to create a state university in the city. On May 22, 1918, the decision of the Nizhny Novgorod Provincial Executive Committee was approved by the State Commission on Education, the new university was included in the network of state higher educational institutions. This resolution was submitted as a proposal to the Council of People's Commissars. On June 25, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR approved a decree on the closure of the Polytechnic Institute in Nizhny Novgorod and the formation of a state university. Signed by V.I. Lenin's decree was a legal act that completed the creation of the first Soviet university, laying the foundations for higher education in the region. The first rector of Nizhny Novgorod State University was Professor D.F. Sinitsyn. On September 16, 1918, classes began at 10 faculties of the University of Nizhny Novgorod: mathematics, physico-chemical, biological, historical-philological, economic, labor-encyclopedic, mechanical, civil engineering, agronomical, and the faculty of professional knowledge. In October 1918, a branch of the university was opened in Sormov with 9 faculties. Later, the Faculties of History, Philology and Medicine were opened. 1922 In connection with the difficult economic situation in the country, on March 29, 1922, the board of Glavprofobra decided to completely close the University of Nizhny Novgorod. But the provincial authorities did not allow this to be done. On July 27, 1922, the Provincial Executive Committee issued a decree on including the content of the university in the local budget, which made it possible to preserve the university in Nizhny Novgorod. In 1930, in the conditions of large-scale industrialization of the country, on the basis of a number of faculties of the University of Nizhny Novgorod, 6 narrow-profile institutes were created: mechanical and mechanical engineering, chemical, pedagogical, agricultural, construction, medical. The university as a classical university ceased to exist. But, not for long. Already in 1931, NSU, as a bearer of fundamental universal knowledge, resumed its activity in the structure of three faculties: physics and mathematics, biological and chemical. In 1932, the Scientific Research Institute of Physics and Technology (NIFTI) was incorporated into the university.