Leadership and power
Автор: Lawyer_R • Июнь 23, 2023 • Курсовая работа • 10,225 Слов (41 Страниц) • 196 Просмотры
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on the theme: " Leadership and power"
Fulfilled : student gr. _______
No credit. Books __________
Kyiv - 2022
INTRODUCTION..................................................... ..................................................... 3
SECTION 1 THEORETICAL BASICS OF ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT IN MODERN MARKET CONDITIONS.........................................................................................................5
1.1. Essence, functions and forms management the company in conditions development.... 5
1.2. Modern mechanisms management efficiency enterprises............................................. 10
SECTION 2. ANALYSIS EFFICIENCY ACTIVITIES Ltd "INTERNET - ADVERTISING RIA"................................................................................................................14
2.1. General characteristic and the main ones directions activity enterprises ................14
2.2. Research financial and economic activity enterprises........................................16
2.3. Analysis efficiency management enterprise...................................................22
SECTION 3. DIRECTLY INCREASE EFFICIENCY MANAGEMENT Ltd "INTERNET ADVERTISING RIA"....................................................................................27
3.1. Definition strategic alternatives development enterprises.................................27
3.2. Improvement of planning processes as means increase efficiency management enterprise....................................................................................................28
CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................33
On modern stage in conditions integration of Ukraine to international economic complex, especially taking into account the current, turbulent ones processes, occurs low new ones tasks, solution who’s impossible with using the old methods and approaches to management efficiency activity enterprises. IN conditions development market relations economic activity enterprises, which directed on building up competitive advantages and ensuring the stability of their positions with their help depends to a large extent from timely, proper management efficiency their activity
It is necessary to consider the management of the efficiency of the enterprise as a system that consists of a certain number of elements, and it succeeds maybe only by conditions coordinated actions her components, right chosen ones methods management, programs motivations and mechanism management efficiency the company's activities. Also, it should be noted that efficiency management activity at a time of crisis, when many enterprises faced a challenge survival, performs a very important function, as it determines the form of relationships with the external environment, forms the methodology of its system and implements its own process management.
Ensuring the effectiveness of activities is one of the main tasks of any whose enterprises. IN modern conditions management implementation this the task is complicated due to the influence of many external and internal factors, what contribute growth expenses and reduction income enterprises. Leadership enterprises needs reliable methods and tools for opposition to these negative factors. That is why, to ensure sustainable growth efficiency at the end XX century and arose special section management organizations - management efficiency.
Therefore, given the importance of ensuring efficiency for enterprises, occurs need in specified, systematization and wording basic principles management efficiency activity enterprises, and also formation methodology systems management efficiency activity enterprises, improvement methods, mechanisms management and programs motivations
The purpose of the course work is to determine ways to improve efficiency management LLC "INTERNET ADVERTISING RIA".
In accordance to goals formulated the following task:
- to consider theoretical basics management the company in modern market conditions;
- to determine essence, functions and forms management the company in conditions development;
- prepare general characteristic enterprises;
- to investigate financial and economic activity enterprises;
- offer the main ones directions increase efficiency management an enterprise;
- to evaluate performance proposed measures
Object course work is management activity enterprises Ltd
subject research is theoretical and methodological and applied aspects ensuring the effectiveness of the management of the activities of LLC "INTERNET ADVERTISING RIA". Informational basis research course work is legislatively - regulatory framework that regulates the activities of enterprises, training manuals, textbooks, monographs, articles leading scientists materials periodic publications financial reporting Ltd "INTERNET ADVERTISING RIA" by 2019-2021