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Методи екстракції біологічних субстанцій для аналізу

Автор:   •  Декабрь 9, 2018  •  Курсовая работа  •  5,103 Слов (21 Страниц)  •  433 Просмотры

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Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

National Aviation University

Department of biotechnology


(Explanatory note)

With discipline “Methods of biotechnological measurment”

Theme: “Methods of extraction of biological substances for analysis”

Executor: student of 204 group

Institute of Environmental Security

Nagirna Nadia

Supervisor: Lazarev V.G.






(пояснювальна записка)

З дисципліни «Загальна мікробіологія і вірусологія»

Тема: «Методи екстракції біологічних субстанцій для аналізу»

Виконала студентка 204  групи

Інституту екологічної безпеки

Нагірна Н.Ю.

Керівник: Лазарєв В.Г.

Київ 2016





1.1. What is the extraction        5

1.2. Conditions for substances extraction        6

1.3 Choice of extractant.        6

          1.4 The types of extraction systems…………………………………………8


2.1. Extraction in the "liquid - liquid" system        9

2.2. Extraction in the "liquid - solid"………………………………………13

          2.3 Methods for obtaining. Production of products………………………….13

         2.4. Techniques of extraction………………………………………………14



REFERENCES        22

APPENDIX        23



Actuality. The successful solution of the problem of the protection of the biosphere, decreasing the negative impact of industrialization on the natural environment, and many other global problems are directly related to the development of effective methods of analysis. Always there is a need to implement simple, accurate, sensitive methods that would allow to determine the components in the composition of complex mixtures. To solve this problem, scientists have brought the concentration methods have allowed largely eliminate complicated situations.

   This work aims to show the various methods by which we can extract one substance from another by different methods of extraction and its application in biotechnology.


Extraction – one of the oldest methods of the isolation of biologically active substances (BAS) from natural plant sources and currently remains the main method in the preparation of biologically active substances. The scientific laboratory species diversity of extractable organic matter contributed to the creation and development of a wide a variety of extraction techniques that are used not only to extract the BAS from vegetable raw materials, but also for the separation of mixtures of substances and purification of individual organic compounds from impurities.

  1. What is the extraction

Extraction - is the process of distribution of a substance between two immiscible solvents. One of them is usually water, the second - the organic solvent. As a heterogeneous process, extraction obeys the Gibbs phase rule: N + F = K + 2, where N - number of phases, F - degrees of freedom, K - number of components. In the extraction phase, usually two (N = 2), one proportioned substance (K = 1). Accordingly, at constant temperature and pressure the system is monovariant (F = 1). Thus, if the concentration of the solute in the same phase constant, its concentration in the other phase is also constant. The ratio between the concentrations of the solute in each phase leading to the formation of the distribution law.

Let to concerned  the distribution law or partition law which, states that if  to a system of two liquid layers, made up of two immiscible or slightly miscible components, is added a quantity of a third substance soluble in both layers, then the substance distributes itself between the two layers so that the ratio of the concentration in one solvent to the concentration in the second solvent remains constant at constant temperature. It is assumed that the molecular state of the substance is the same in both solvents.* If CA and CB are the concentrations in the layers A and B, then, at constant temperature :  [2]  CA/ CB= constant=K                                              

  1. Conditions for substance extraction

 Metal extraction in the organic phase is only possible if the solubility of the metal compounds in the organic solvent bigger than in water. In real systems, metal exists in the form of various compounds. Note that in the course of the extraction may form shapes that were not in the original solution. Therefore, you must first install the metal is extracted and what is its solubility. The solubility of any of the compounds depends on many factors: the nature of the substance, temperature and pressure. Typically, chemically similar substances are more soluble in each other, than in other structure materials. The solvent molecules enter with dissolved molecules in the interaction energy, primarily electrostatic type, as most molecules of solvents have electric dipole moments. One of the conditions of the extraction is to neutralize the charge. The charged compound cannot enter into an organic solvent. Present in the solution of the metal ions must be converted to an uncharged or ionic complex associate with a suitable ion of opposite charge. The amount of the ionic charge plays an important role in extraction of ionic associates. In this case it is best extracted into the organic phase singly charged ions worse - especially di- and triply charged. Furthermore, the compound to be extracted with a hydrophobic and contain hydrophilic groups such as hydroxyl or carboxyl.


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