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Модуль социально-политических знаний

Автор:   •  Декабрь 23, 2021  •  Тест  •  4,802 Слов (20 Страниц)  •  1,352 Просмотры

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Название модуля – MSPZ 1104- Модуль социально-политических знаний(Социология, Политология, Культурология, Психология)

Название дисциплины:  Sociology

Специальность – Педагогический Факультет Иностранных Языков

Отделение – Английское

ФИО ответственного преподавателя за тест – старший преподаватель, магистр МО, Уралбаев Самат Саламатович

Кол-во вопросов – 150

The etymological meaning of term "sociology":

{~ Striving for social

~ Doctrine of laws

= Theory of society

~ The Science of man

~  Science of nature}

Specify  three main stages of development of sociological thought:

{~ Classic, modern, newest

= Prehistoric, classical, modern

~ Classical, neoclassical , modern

~ Ancient, medieval, newest

~Ancient Greek, medieval, modern}

At what stage in the development of sociology were formed preconditions of sociological knowledge:

{~ classical

~ enlightenment

~ medieval

= prehistoric

 ~ latest}

The term "Sociology" in the scientific revolution was introduced first by:

{~ G. Spenser

~  E. Durkheim

~  Ya. Moreno

= A. Comte

~Max Weber}

A. Comte - developed the law:

{~ two stages

= three stages

~ four stages

~five stages

~ seven stages}

First man who coined the term "social mobility":

{~ Durkheim

= Sorokin

~ T. Parsons

~ Weber

~ Comte}

A. Comte brought the following three stages of social development:

{~ archaic, metaphysical, positive

~ theological, metaphysical, organic

= theological, metaphysical, positive

~ theological, the metaphysical, the archaic

~ theological, positive, scientific}

Comte lived and worked in:

{~ XVI century

= XIX century

~ XVIII century

~ XV century

~ The twentieth century}

Who called sociology as "Social physics":

{~ G. Spenser

~ Montesquieu

= Comte

~ P. Sorokin

~R. Park}

Sociology of Spencer is a science that studies:

{~ collective consciousness

~ social action

~ social conflicts

= super-organic development

~ motion of matter}

The concept that is based on the sociology of Emile Durkheim:

{~ theory of social action

= theory of social fact

~ theory of social conflict

~ theory of understanding

~ organic theory}

According to Durkheim, suicide rates are higher:

{~ among women than among men

= in the community of Protestants than among Catholics

~ in Asian countries than in European

~ in rural areas than in urban

~ in the northern areas is lower than in the southern regions}

The last work of Max Weber is called:

{~ " State and Revolution "

= " Economy and Society "

~ "State and Society"

~ "The economy , morality and religion"

~"Essays on the History of Religion "}

Robert Merton distinguished  two types of functions: latent and:

{~ universal

~ regulatory

~ social

= explicit

~ progressive}

The concept of "latent functions" was introduced into sociology:

{~ T. Parsons

~ R. Dahrendorf

~ G. Simmel

= R. Merton

~ F. Tennis}

Which of the following areas have been developed in the writings of T. Parsons?:

{~ phenomenology

= functionalism

~ interactionism

~ positivism        

~ social Darwinism}

Comte - author of the law:

{~ two stages

= three stages

~ four stages

~ five stages

~ seven stages}

Scientist, sociologist who first coined the term "social mobility"?:

{~ Durkheim

= Sorokin

~ T. Parsons

~ Weber

~ Comte}

 Researching suicide, Durkheim:

{~ believes that the factors predicting suicide is non-social nature

~ stresses psychotic predisposition

~ considering suicide as an individual phenomenon

= rejects psychological explanations, focusing on social factors

~believes the main reason for imitation}

According to Emile Durkheim, the increase in suicides during economic crises, social upheavals caused:

{~ altruistic type

= anomic type

~ selfish type

~ fatalistic type

~ typical type}

What does belong to basic social institute?:

{~ institute of advocacy

= institute of family

~ institute of property

~ institute of power

~ institute of presidency}

Social development factors that influenced on the formation of sociology as a science:

{~ The French Revolution 1789

~ industrial revolution

~ Radical change in mentality

= The great geographical discoveries }

~ Accumulation of empirical material

Objective reality, which is directed research activities of scientists:

{~ task

= object

~ subject

~ goal


Specific reproduction of reality into abstract and theoretical level, by setting original questions to identify the most significant from a scientific point of view connections and relationships in this reality is:


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