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Transformation of farming lands in the zone of permissible radioactive contamination

Автор:   •  Май 7, 2023  •  Реферат  •  3,917 Слов (16 Страниц)  •  175 Просмотры

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Presentation of the problem. Under modern conditions of the high anthropogenic and agrarian pressure on the environment, the transformation of farming lands and agricultural areas is an essential instrument in the process of the formation of ecologically balanced land-use. The plowing-up of farm lands exceeds 1.6 times the ecologically justified level in the Polissya part of the Zhytomyr oblast and 1.5 times – in the zone of permissible radioactive contamination. The discrepancy between the necessity of expanding the portion of arable lands as the most productive ones in the structure of farming lands at intrafarm level and the balanced ratio between plowland and ecologically balanced lands – forests, native meadows and pastures at interfarm, regional levels is one of the fundamental problems of the organization of the economically expedient and ecologically balanced structure of farming lands and agricultural areas. Out of twenty three districts of the Zhytomyr oblast, seven of them are distinguished by peak values of Cs-137 and Sr-90 content, and this amounts to 698 settlements in which 348,000 people live and 396 agroformations, including 117 farm enterprises, function. A special regime of economic activities in the zone of permissible radioactive contamination has called for the necessity of determining differences between the processes of transformational restructuring of agricultural lands at oblast and regional levels. Analysis of the latest research and published works. The problems of the rational use and protection of land resources, agrolandscape safety, methodology of land use optimization on the radionuclide contaminated territory have been discussed in their works by the researchers of the Institute of Agriculture of the NAAS A. Melnychuk, A. Bovsunivsky, O. Savchuk, O. Vlasenko, G. Nalapko and others. The formation of ecologically stable and highly productive agrolandscapes has been studied by S. Bulyghin, V. Buryakov and M. Kotova [1]. Practical experience of A. Tretyak and M. Shkvar [2] can be considered the most significant for the assessment of ecological stability of agrolandscapes and agricultural land-use. Among foreign authors of scientific papers concerning ecologically balanced land-use we can mention V. Frolov [3], S. Volkov [4], N.Сhepurnykh [5], M. Sulyn and others. Setting of the task. The purpose of the article is the determination of ecological and economic trends in the transformation of farm lands of the Zhytomyr oblast and the zone of permissible radioactive contamination. Statement of the basic material of the research. The present-day state of using land resources in the Polissya zone does not meet the requirements of rational nature management. The original nature-andlandscape characteristics of the region in combination with substantial territories which suffered from Chernobyl-derived radioactive contamination are being even more complicated by socio-economic consequences of the post-accident period. The ecologically permissible ratio between the area of plowland and forests as well as that of natural forage lands has been disrupted. The plowing-up of farm lands in the Polissya part of the Zhytomyr oblast is the highest among similar indices concerning forest zones of European countries. The necessity of transforming agricultural lands is, in our opinion, conditioned by the factors which may be of external or internal origin (Fig.1). Part of the above factors has a natural character, and they are uncontrolled or little-controlled; the other part is called for the enhancement of economic efficiency of land resource use, solution of problems connected with excessive agricultural land development, soil dehumification, expansion of erosion processes, deterioration of agrochemical soil properties and others. For complete reflection of transformational land-use processes on a farm or land resource use at sectoral or macroeconomic level, it is necessary to take into account both changes in the structure of agricultural lands and actual change of their area. Within 2008-2012 as many as 13.3 thous ha of farming lands in the Zhytomyr oblast were withdrawn from economic turnover. Out of them 12.03 thous ha (90.4%) are located in the zone of permissible radioactive contamination. As a result, the level of the territory’s agricultural development has been improved, but against the background of the reduction in the area of farming lands, their transformation has taken place. The tillage area in the structure of agricultural lands has increased by 2.5 percent in the zone of permissible radioactive contamination and by 1.6 percent at oblast level.

EMISSION STRATEGY OF PUBLIC STOCK ENTERPRISES Raising of the problem. The global financial crisis has dealt a big blow to the business sector of Ukrainian economy. However, experts note that the peak of the crisis has passed and there are some signs of growth. This recovery process is accompanied by the creation of new businesses. Establishment and proper functioning of new business structures is impossible without generating sufficient capital, the lack of which makes it necessary to search for additional sources of funding used to it as its own and borrowed financial resources. One of the goals is to develop strategic policy effective emission business strategy , what kind and aims to release all kinds of securities and corporate rights, which serve as a source of replenishment of equity and debt in the required quantity.For enterprises engaged now operate in the stock market of Ukraine and the need to attract additional funds, there are several sources of funding for their activities. These sources are loans and issue securities. Issue of securities is an effective way to increase the working capital of joint stock companies. In this regard, there is a need to study, study and develop recommendations towards the improvement of existing and new approaches to the development and implementation of new emission strategy of public companies, as part of the emission policy and overall strategy of development. Analysis of the latest researches and publications. To study the various aspects of the formation and implementation of emission strategy public company of great theoretical and methodological importance are works of many local scientists and economists , among which should be noted achievements G. The article , by L. Babich, D. Bayury, V. Bytyutskyh, V. Borzunov, V. Geets, A. Demba, V. Evtushevskaya, M. Zos - Kior, G. Kulish and baths, E. Libanova , J. Lupenko , J. Makarenko, A. Mendrul, A. Mikhailyuk, Moroz, M . Nebavy, V. Opryshko, Palkina Yu , W. Petyuh A. seriously , A. Popov, V. Rybalkin, I. Sazonets, A. Sohatskoyi, A. Tereshchenko, V. Tkachenko, A. Tridid.The study of etymology economic definition of "public corporations", it was found that the term is borrowed from domestic scientists from western literature (derived from the English . "Public company"). It should also be noted that a public company as a separate type of businesses paid much less attention in the scientific heritage of economists. The terms "public company", "open / public joint stock company", "Open Joint Stock Company", " public corporation ", "public corporation" used by the authors / drafters as synonymous categories when translated from English. category of "public company", which is the root cause of the appearance and use of this phrase in the modern Ukrainian language. For your convenience perception results in the proposed study will use the term" public corporation". Analyzed an array of references on certain issues makes it possible to present the results in the form of generalized conclusions, as well as some links to the most accurate position of the author .


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