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The practice of applying modern educational technologies in the field of vocational education

Автор:   •  Апрель 30, 2023  •  Курсовая работа  •  8,377 Слов (34 Страниц)  •  246 Просмотры

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Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations for the application of modern educational technologies in the field of vocational education…………….4

1.1. General characteristics of vocational education: concept, features and current trends……………………………………………………………………………….4

1.2. Overview of modern educational technologies in the field of vocational education…………………………………………………………………………..12

Chapter 2. The practice of applying modern educational technologies in the field of vocational education………………………………………………………………24

2.1. Analysis of the application of modern pedagogical technologies in the field of vocational education………………………………………………………………24

2.2. Lesson development using mind map technology……………………………27


List of used sources and literature……………………………………………...31


The relevance of the chosen topic - " The use of modern pedagogical technologies in the field of vocational education " - is obvious, because the technologies that need to be used in their activities should be aimed at the formation and development of a person that meets the needs of society and contribute to ensuring a decent level and continuous improvement of the quality of education.

Such technologies allow to move to a qualitatively new level of education. Traditional learning is a type of learning that provides reproductive learning. The teacher informs the topic of the lesson, goals, which in no way contributes to the emergence of cognitive interest among students. Today, the teacher ceases to be with the student as the bearer of the "objective knowledge" that he is trying to convey to him. Its main task is to motivate students to show initiative and independence in discovering new knowledge, to find ways to apply this knowledge in solving various problematic tasks. At the stage of finding a solution, the teacher encourages students to put forward and test hypotheses, i.e. provides the "discovery" of knowledge through trial and error.

Thus, in solving the problem of creating a new developing educational environment, modern pedagogical technologies are of great importance. This setting is fully consistent with the modern reform of education in Russia, associated with the implementation of a student-centered approach, which caused a number of serious changes in the usual practice of teaching and educating students: updating the content of education; the introduction of new pedagogical technologies that ensure the development of the individual. 

The purpose of the work is a theoretical review of modern pedagogical technologies in the practice of vocational education and their use in the development of students' abilities.

Work tasks:

  1. To study the theoretical foundations of modern educational and pedagogical technologies.
  2. Consider the types of modern teaching technologies and their practical application in the system of vocational education.

The object of the research is modern pedagogical technologies.

The subject of the research is pedagogical technologies developed and applied in modern pedagogical science.





Theoretical and methodological foundations for the use of modern educational technologies in the field of vocational education

1.1.  General characteristics of vocational education: concept, features and current trends

Vocational education is one of the most capacious components of the education system. The significance of vocational education is determined by the need to master the experience of labor activity, which underlies the development of the productive forces of society.

The vocational education system includes a network of professional institutions that carry out the educational process and implement relevant educational programs. The mandatory minimum content of each basic professional educational program (for a specific profession, specialty) is established by the state educational standard.The following levels can be distinguished in the system of vocational education.

1. Primary vocational education aims to train skilled workers in all major areas of socially useful activity on the basis of general basic and secondary education. Personnel training is carried out both in production and in an educational institution. The following systems and education centers operate for the training of workers.

  • · Apprenticeship system in production. Apprenticeship can be individual or group, carried out under the guidance of an instructor or mentor. At the end of the training period - qualification tests with the performance of professional tests. · Course preparation in educational-course complexes and centers. It provides an opportunity to gain deeper specialized and theoretical knowledge than in the conditions of apprenticeship. The course form of training can be used for retraining of personnel.
  • · Vocational school is the main form of initial vocational training and retraining of workers. The didactic system of a vocational school includes three components: general education, general professional and special training. In accordance with this, theoretical and practical classes, industrial training and industrial practice are organized. The term of study on the basis of a basic school is 3 years, on the basis of a complete secondary education - 1 year. Graduates are issued a diploma on mastering the profession and a certificate of secondary education (those studying at the base of 9 classes).
  • · Vocational lyceum - a state educational institution of primary and secondary vocational education, the main form of systematic training of specialists with an advanced level of qualification. Lyceums are characterized by a clearly defined specialization (highly specialized or multidisciplinary orientation). education involves the implementation of the 2nd and 3rd stage of education.
  • 2. Secondary vocational education. It aims to train mid-level specialists, meet the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education on the basis of basic general, secondary general or primary vocational education. Educational institutions of secondary vocational education are:
  • Technical schools (industrial, construction, transport, agricultural, economic, etc.);
  • Schools (pedagogical, medical, musical, nautical, military, etc.);
  • special schools (for example, a police school);
  • professional colleges (implement secondary vocational education, as well as retraining and advanced training of specialists);
  • departments (faculties) of secondary vocational education at universities;

The terms of study in secondary specialized educational institutions on the basis of basic general education are three to five years, on the basis of complete secondary education - two to three years.


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