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The main directions of foreign economic activity of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Автор:   •  Апрель 21, 2023  •  Реферат  •  2,736 Слов (11 Страниц)  •  259 Просмотры

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Lecture 2. The impact of the formation of foreign economic activity institutions on the development of transport logistics in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Subtopic 1. The main directions of foreign economic activity of the Republic of Kazakhstan ……………………………………………… .2

Subtopic 2. Formation of the market of transport and logistics services in Kazakhstan ... ..10

Subtopic 3. Economic and geographical features of Kazakhstan ……………… .17

List of used literature …………………………………………………… .27

Test questions ……… .. ……………………………………………………… ..… ..28






















Subtopic 1. The main directions of foreign economic activity of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Currently, in connection with the ongoing integration processes of managing the national economy of Kazakhstan, it is quite relevant to study issues in the field of international economic relations. Foreign economic activity of Kazakhstan is carried out both at the state level and at the level of individual economic entities. A rational foreign economic policy of the state can lead to an increase in the growth rate of national income, an acceleration of scientific and technological progress, an increase in the concentration of production and the efficiency of capital investments. The authors of the article studied the conceptual apparatus of foreign economic activity. The economic analysis of the dynamics of the foreign trade turnover of the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out. Conceptual approaches to import-economic transactions. Export-import operations for some groups of food products, the main markets for products are considered. The structure of export and import of goods of Kazakhstan according to the degree of their processing is given. Also shown in dynamics are data on exports, imports of goods. Basically, imports of the Republic of Kazakhstan are represented by intermediate goods (feedstock for processing) and means of production on the increase in the average annual rate of renewal of the country's industrial and technological park. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the infrastructure for managing foreign economic activity was mainly formed, an international image of the republic as a serious and reliable partner was formed, and the necessary prerequisites for integrating Kazakhstan into world economic relations were laid.

Foreign economic activity (FEA) is a set of methods and means of trade and economic, scientific and technical cooperation, monetary, financial and credit relations with foreign countries.

Foreign economic activity of Kazakhstan is understood as the activity of subjects of this sphere of activity on the export, import of goods (services), on foreign investment, insurance, joint entrepreneurship in the field of material and other production in order to form and establish a market economy of the republic, its entry into the world economy and, most most importantly, meeting the needs of the population of the republic.

Foreign economic activity is carried out both at the state level and at the level of individual economic entities. In the first case, foreign economic activity is aimed at establishing interstate frameworks for cooperation, creating legal, trade and political mechanisms that stimulate the development and increase the efficiency of foreign economic relations. A rational foreign economic policy of the state can lead to an increase in the growth rate of national income, an acceleration of scientific and technological progress, an increase in the concentration of production and the efficiency of capital investments.

State regulation of foreign economic activity includes various forms and methods. The main forms of regulation are:

• financing of foreign economic activity;              

• taxation;              

• investment;              

• external borrowing;              

• external debt;              

• subsidizing exports.              

The essence of foreign economic activity lies in the forms of mutually beneficial relations between states. The most important forms of world economic relations include:

• international trade in goods and services;              

• movement of capital and foreign investment;              

• labor migration;              

• cross-country cooperation of production;              

• exchange in the field of science and technology;              

• monetary and credit relations.              

The main goals and directions of development of foreign economic activity:

• restoration and development of the country's export potential;              

• use of foreign loans for technical re-equipment;              

• increasing the competitiveness of goods in the foreign market based on the modernization of production;              

• changes in the structure of imports due to an increase in the share of industrial products in the form of high-precision technologies;              

• ensuring the country's economic security by improving exports and imports.              

Each country has the right to choose and mutually beneficial cooperation with other states in all spheres of economy and politics.

The main directions in foreign policy:

• strengthening the statehood and independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan;              

• a course towards the modernization of politics, the creation of a market economy;              


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