Pharmacy Education in the USA
Автор: saya.shekerbek • Октябрь 2, 2018 • Реферат • 837 Слов (4 Страниц) • 1,089 Просмотры
Pharmacy Education in the USA
For 6 years of study, students study pharmacology, clinical pharmacy, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical chemistry, toxicology, pharmaceutical administration, biostatistics, pharmacokinetics, and therapy. The main difference from the Ukrainian education system is the possibility of a real choice of disciplines (and not nominal, as we have), the formation of an individual curriculum and the study of modern elective disciplines (autotherapy, nuclear biology, the fundamentals of evidence-based medicine, stereochemistry, pharmaceutical psychology, etc.) .
After passing a series of exams and receiving a basic pharmaceutical education, the pharmacist is awarded the degree of Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD). But for further work it is necessary to pass a residency (postgraduate study cycle), which lasts 1–2 years (depending on the specialization) and represents practical training in hospitals, hospital and retail pharmacies and other health care institutions. There are about 400 residency programs. Pharmacists who are going to open their own pharmacies will also need to additionally receive a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. The American Society of Hospital Pharmacists (American Society of Hospital Pharmacists - ASHP) is the accrediting body for hospital pharmacists (exceptions are pharmacists who provide medical and social care, and employees of retail pharmacies). Most of the residency programs are accredited by ASHP.
But that's not all. In order to get a job, pharmacists need to get a license. This requires a series of additional exams and tests, the list of which is determined in each state separately.
The process of obtaining a license is as follows: the passage of a residence; passing an exam to obtain a pharmacist license (North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination - NAPLEX); passing an jurisprudence and other exams, each additionally assigned to each state; after all this - issuing a license for the right to practice in the state. NAPLEX lasts 4 hours and 15 minutes with a break of 10 minutes after the first 2 hours of the exam. It is necessary to score at least 75 points, that is, to answer correctly 162 questions (something similar to the Ukrainian KROK exam).
The jurisprudence exam - The Federal Multi-State Pharmacist Licensing Exam (MPJE) exam covers such aspects as licensing law, drug law, law of organizations, and other regulations valid at the time of the exam and lasts 2 hours. As a result This exam also needs to score 75 points by answering at least 77 questions.
Every 2 years, pharmacists are required to undergo 40-hour refresher courses.
There is also a special postgraduate course for those who wish to pursue science, which lasts 2–3 years. All work consists in performing scientific work and there are no classes as such. Upon graduation, it is necessary to defend a thesis and in the case of its successful defense a PhD degree is awarded, which is equivalent to our PhD.
За 6 лет обучения студенты изучают фармакологию, клиническую фармацию, фармакогнозию, фармацевтическую химию, токсикологию, фармацевтическое администрирование, биостатистику, фармакокинетику и терапию. Основным отличием от украинской системы образования является возможность реального выбора дисциплин (а не номинального, как это есть у нас), формирование индивидуального учебного плана и изучение современных факультативных дисциплин (аутотерапия, ядерная биология, основы доказательной медицины, стереохимия, фармацевтическая психология и др.).
Сдав серию экзаменов и получив базовое фармацевтическое образование, фармацевту присваивается степень доктора фармацевтических наук (PharmD). Но для дальнейшей работы необходимо пройти резидентуру (последипломный цикл обучения), которая длится 1–2 года (в зависимости от специализации) и представляет собой практические занятия в больницах, госпитальных и розничных аптеках и других учреждениях здравоохранения. Всего существует около 400 программ резидентуры. Фармацевтам, которые собираются открывать собственные аптеки, необходимо будет дополнительно получить также степень мастера делового администрирования (Master of Business Administration — МВА). Американская ассоциация госпитальных фармацевтов (American Society of Hospital Pharmacists — ASHP) является органом по аккредитации госпитальных фармацевтов (исключения составляют фармацевты, оказывающие медико-социальную помощь, и работники розничных аптек). Большинство программ резидентуры аккредитованы ASHP.