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Independence is the happiness of country

Автор:   •  Сентябрь 29, 2024  •  Эссе  •  313 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  11 Просмотры

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Independence is happiness of country

Independence is a high victory that our ancestors longed for. If we look at history, how many people have lost their lives in the name of freedom. Although the Kazakh name has a character for almost ten centuries, it was possible to gain independence in 1991. In the last century, 3 million Kazakhs died for sovereignty.We are about to lose language, mentality, and religion. It is our parents who, in the absence of the perseverance, courage and energy of the souls of the past, are our parents, young people would not have seen a peaceful day.

Musician Bob Marley said “ Better to die fighting for freedom than be a prisoner all the days of your life”. There is probably no more status if a person is free in body and soul.

Most likely, the most painful thing for a person is to depend on someone. To spend a priceless, worthless day in the property of another. Do not have your own dreams, goals, views, tastes. Being a Bodan to another country is a difficult verdict. Blood loses its purity. The law, it has no power. He has a painful day like a living orphan. The motherland is hotter than fire, more ardent, humanity needs it.

We must not forget independence for a moment, but to achieve its value. It is necessary to be a strong person, to feel proud that we are citizens of Kazakhstan. Nothing is enough to have an honest, artistic character. We try to act wisely to be a scientist, an Inquisitor. We work hard to make the Kazakh country famous in the world. To do this, it is better to be organized with the head on one collar and hands on one sleeve. Great Tole bi by the way,

"If you think it's a fake, it's a fake.",

To think of unity, it is necessary to live.


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