Практическая работа по «Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции»
Автор: 656656 • Май 14, 2018 • Практическая работа • 829 Слов (4 Страниц) • 977 Просмотры
Центр дистанционного образования
по дисциплине:
«Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции»
Задание 1
Заполните пропуски в тексте следующими глаголами. Глаголы необходимо использовать в правильной форме в простом настоящем времени.
Present Simple (positive)
go have (2) arrive chatadvise come (2) write start talk enjoy say deal call share meet prepare |
A day in the life of a solicitor
At 8.30 Margaret is at work. She always comes on time. She starts her computer and has a cup of strong coffee. Every day Margaret deals with a lot of documents and reports.
In the morning Margaret usually calls clients. Margaret meets with her clients and discusses cases.
Margaret deals with clients who commit driving offences. For example, speeding offence, dangerous driving, drink-driving and so on.
At 12 Margaret usually has lunch with her colleagues in a nearby café. They often chat about cases and shareideas.
In the afternoon Margaret goes to court to represent her clients. When she comes at court, she talks with the prosecution lawyer first. Then she meets with clients at court andadvises them on their rights and helps them with their problems.
When Margaret arrives back to the office she prepares for her cases. She writes reports and updates information. She always has a lot of important paperwork. She often finishes work at 7 in the evening.
Margaret says that her work can be demanding but she enjoys her job. The cases are very interesting, often challenging and she is always ready to help her clients. Margaret’sjobisverywell-paid.
Задание 2
Соотнесите слова из левого и правого столбиков
Задание 3
Соотнесите слова из левого и правого столбиков и переведите словосочетания на русский язык:
Задание 4
Дополните предложения информацией из текста:
- In the morning Margaret usually has clients.
- In the afternoon Margaret goes to court to represent her clients.
- In the evening Margaret finishes her work at 7 o’clock.
- At court Margaret talks with the prosecution lawyer and advises clients on their rights and helps them with their problems.
- In her office Margaret deals with a lot of documents and reports, meets with her clients and discusses cases.
Задание 5
Ответьте на вопросы:
- Why is Margaret’s job demanding?–There are always many people who do crimes.
- Why is Margaret’s job interesting? - The cases are very interesting, often challenging and she is well-paid.
- Who are Margaret’s clients?–Margaret’s clients are who commit driving offences.
- Is Margaret’s working day busy? – Yes, it is.
- Would you like to be a solicitor? Why? – Yes, I would like. A solicitor is an interesting profession; you can have different people with various problems with law.
Задание 6
Подготовьте устное сообщение объемом 10-12 предложений о своем рабочем дне.
My working day.
Every day l usually get up at 6 o’clock. I like to get up early in the morning and exercise. After exercise and breakfast, immediately going to work. Work I have a good interesting I like it. The staff I friendly close-knit. After work with the guys go to the gym. After a workout I fake the boys for a walk along the promenade. I love the evening. All family members gat her after work for dinner at the big table. My family discussed our family business. I go to bed at about 11 o’clock.