Почему важно знать о дофамине?
Автор: El101 • Май 29, 2022 • Научная работа • 1,040 Слов (5 Страниц) • 236 Просмотры
УДК 159.91
student Gabdullin Eldar Khaidarovich,
student Moskalenko Pavel Anatolievich,
scientific adviser Semchuk Elena Vladimirovna,
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Abstract: This paper provides information on what dopamine is, how to replenish it, what it is spent on; the reasons for the popularity of dopamine starvation and its effects; and how much dopamine affects the human body.
Keywords: dopamine, dopamine starvation, dopamine production, mood and motivation, dopamine replenishment.
студент Габдуллин Эльдар Хайдарович,
студент Москаленко Павел Анатольевич,
научный руководитель Семчук Елена Владимировна,
г. Санкт-Петербург, Российская Федерация
Аннотация: В данной работе представлена информация о том, что такое дофамин, о способах его восполнения, о том, на что он тратится; о причинах популярности дофаминового голодания и его последствиях; о том, как сильно дофамин влияет на организм человека.
Ключевые слова: дофамин, дофаминовое голодание, выработка дофамина, настроение и мотивация, восполнение дофамина.
To begin with, it is worth talking about what dopamine is. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, something that, like hormones, carries information through the nervous system. The action of this neurotransmitter causes feelings of pleasure. If a person is deficient in dopamine, they can have resting tremors, i.e. Parkinson's, but that's not what we're talking about now. In short, dopamine is the hormone of joy, it gives us vitality. That is, when dopamine is released, a person feels intense pleasure, feels able to cope with anything.
Dopamine can be raised artificially, for example, with sweets. If a person lacks dopamine, they are not motivated, they lack drive, they feel exhausted and forget about their goals. Lack of mood, weakness, depression and anxiety are all consequences of dopamine deficiency. [1,4]
[pic 1]
Figure 1. Dopamine functions
What causes a dopamine deficiency?
1. Сoffeine abuse. Interesting: caffeine makes you feel good at first, but with time, if you drink too much of it, your dopamine production will decrease.
2. Alcohol lowers dopamine levels. Alcohol destroys the dopamine reserve. This forces the person to take higher and higher doses over time to get the same level of pleasure.
3. Insulin. Sugar also depletes dopamine reserves.
4. Stress. Cortisol released under stress stimulates the production of dopamine. However, with prolonged stress, cortisol negatively affects the brain and the body as a whole, and dopamine levels drop.
5. Adrenal cortisol. If a person's stomach acidity is low, they cannot digest proteins. This results in difficulty in the production of all neurotransmitters. How do I know if my stomach is low in acidity? Heartburn and indigestion are signs that a person may have low gastric acidity. As you get older, you need more of it. Simply taking apple cider vinegar can increase neurotransmitter reserves.
6. Adrenal stress. The inner part of the adrenal glands produces dopamine. So, if the adrenals are 'burnt out' or depleted, the right levels of dopamine won't be there.
How do you make up for the lack of dopamine? Of course, you should cut down on caffeine, alcohol and sugar. Definitely reduce stress levels. Increase acidity, support the adrenal glands. You can take tyrosine as a nutrient. It's a natural amino acid, a precursor to dopamine. Vitamin D. Get plenty of sunshine to restore dopamine reserves. Vitamins B6 and B5 are two B vitamins necessary for the production of this neurotransmitter. Moderate physical activity also increases dopamine levels. As you can see, dopamine deficiency can be managed. [2]