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Контрольная работа по "Немецкому языку"

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education

Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav the Wise

Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources

The Chair of Romance and Germanic languages

Reporton the cource

«Foreign language in the field of professional communication»

« What's new in modern beekeeping »

Made by Borbich Yana, group 5481.

The English supervisor senior lecturer

Kudryavtseva T.S.

V. Novgorod


I study at the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the Faculty of Animal Science. My favorite subject is beekeeping. Progress affects all sectors of livestock. There are many novelties in beekeeping. Improved or fundamentally new inventions are issued every year - and everything in order for the life and work of the beekeeper to be as convenient, safe and quality as possible. I will only talk about non-novelties

1. Australian innovations in the collection of beekeeping products.

The authors of the novelty are two men - Stewart and Sedor Anderson.

The essence of their idea is that for the collection of products from the beekeeper it is only required that you substitute a container for honey and simply turn the lever - the raw material will flow without anybody's help.

The uniqueness of the hive is to use a new plastic frame. The main advantage is the absence of health effects on insects, as well as significant time savings.

2. Innovation from America for harmless excretion of parasites.

American scientists from the state of Minnesota are working on a completely new invention to combat the tick causing bee disease. The product represents a frame, which in its composition has exceptionally environmentally friendly substances that are biodegradable. The principle of the work is that by heating the frame due to the element located in its construction the male mites will be sterilized.

3. German invention for breeding bees.

Carl Jenter - the author of the invention - not a scientist, but an beekeeper, and therefore familiar with all the processes of beekeeping in practice. For many years he worked to find a way to make the process of breeding queens more perfect. As an invention, he introduced the world plastic honeycomb, which have in their construction demountable cells.

Я учусь в Институте сельского хозяйства и природных


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