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Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку"

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1. What is the history of fermentation science?

Ответ: 1. Fermentation (lat. fermentare-fermentation) is a process that results in fermentation due to the action of the product’s own enzymes (juices): after the destruction of the plant, a certain amount of juice is released, which, due to oxidation, contributes to the onset of fermentation. To stop this phenomenon, it is necessary to dry the raw materials. Historically, the oldest method of using fermentation is brewing. Cereal grains contain insoluble, difficult-to-digest starch. This makes the grains protected against many bacteria for a very long time, but at the same time, the starch is inaccessible to the sprout itself. But the growing sprout produces enzymes that convert starch into easily soluble and digestible glucose. In brewing, grains are specially germinated and at the optimal moment of malt preparation, when the enzyme concentration is high, the germ is killed by heat. The enzyme continues to convert starch into sugar, which is used for further fermentation. This enzyme is amylase, which converts starch into maltose. Amylase is also found in saliva, which gives long-chewed rice or potatoes a sweetish taste.

Another ancient method of fermentation is cheesemaking. To coagulate milk, various pepsins are used, in the old days - only rennet, later - various analogs that coagulate the main protein of milk - casein.

For many millennia, people have been turning milk into cheese, grapes into wine, and vegetables into fermented vegetables. This was done in order to enrich the diet, preserve food and maintain one’s health. According to archaeological finds, in ancient Egypt 6,000 years ago they baked sourdough bread. Supposedly, one person left the dough without fire, and it began to increase under the influence of fermentation, thus creating the first sourdough bread. In Central Asia, kumys was prepared from mare’s milk, and kefir and shubat (fermented milk products) were made from camel’s milk. The diet of the peoples of the Arctic zone necessarily contained pickled fish, pickled walrus meat and seal fat. Clay bowls were found in China, in which nine thousand years ago a drink from rice, honey and fruit was prepared using the fermentation method; fragrant bean curd and some types of tea were successfully produced.

All the richness of such a diet was stored in the cellar until the next summer, playing a very important, but inconspicuous role - supplying the human body with all kinds of enzymes and vitamins preserved in the products. Common examples of fermentation of foods in their own juice include sauerkraut, mushrooms and cucumbers, pickled apples, and sourdough for bread. If we talk about their benefits, then, for example, there is 20 times more vitamin C in sauerkraut than in fresh cabbage. This method gave our ancestors the opportunity to preserve food for a long time, using its beneficial properties until the next harvest.

Thus, fermentation as a method of enriching foods with useful substances has existed for a long time, although conclusions about the benefits of this method of preparing them were made relatively recently, because Only recently has this become possible from the point of view of scientific development.

2. What are the stages in the development of fermentation industry?

Ответ: One of the oldest fermentation industries is the use of alcoholic fermentation methods. The first of these drinks were wine and beer.

Alcoholic beverages are produced by fermenting a sugar-containing component, which produces alcohol and carbon dioxide. Fermentation is carried out by yeasts of the genus Saccharomyces. In some cases, natural sugar is used (for example, mixed with grapes from which wine is made), in others, sugar is obtained from starch (for example, when processing grain crops in brewing). The presence of sugar exclusions is mandatory for alcoholic fermentation, with the exception of Sascharomyces, since these yeast species cannot hydrolyze polysaccharides.

Beer. To carry out alcoholic fermentation, it is first necessary that sugar be formed in the brewing raw materials. The traditional method required for these polysaccharides has always been barley, but other types of carbohydrate-containing raw materials have also been used as an additional source. Barley and other components are crushed and mixed with water at a temperature of 67 °C. During processing, environmental enzymes in barley malt break down the carbohydrates in the grain.

The final stage of dissolution, called wort, separates the insoluble particles. After adding hops, it is boiled in copper kettles. To produce beer with a reduced alcohol content, the wort is brought to the required density after boiling. Specific wort lamp adding certain extracted sugars, fermentation disturbances. Within a certain time frame, the retardation ends, the yeast separates from the beer and you save it for a while to weather. After the filter and other necessary ingredients, the beer is ready. Guilt. Sugar from grape juice is used in wine production. Almost all the world's wines are made from one type of grape, Vitis vinifera. The juice of this grape is an excellent raw material for wine production. It is rich in nutrients, serves to create a pleasant smell and taste, and contains a lot of sugar; its natural acidity inhibits the growth of unwanted clumps.

When preparing alcohol, the ridges, seeds and skins are stored in grape must until the end of fermentation; white wine is made from pure juice.

Different taste qualities when aging wine; It is well known that interaction with wood and air during storage in wooden barrels contributes.

Protein products

Microorganisms began to be used in the production of protein products long before the emergence of microbiology. These are all kinds of cheese, as well as products obtained by fermenting soybeans. In both the first and second cases, the nutritional basis is protein. When these products are produced with the help of microbes, a profound change in the properties of protein-containing raw materials occurs. The result is food products that can be stored longer (cheese). Microbes also play a role in the production of some meat products intended for storage. For example, some types of sausage (salami) use acid fermentation, usually with the participation of lactic acid bacteria. The resulting acid helps preserve the product and contributes to the formation of its special taste. Acid-forming bacteria are also used in salting meat. A number of oriental dishes are obtained by fermenting fish. For this purpose, molds and yeasts are used.


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