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Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку"

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Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования

«Российский государственный профессионально-педагогический университет»

Институт инженерно-педагогического образования

Кафедра энергетики и транспорта


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Студент 1 курса Бр-111с АТ


Зч № 22201254


И.М. Кондюрина


Development of automotive industry in the USSR.

        Before World War I only a few automobiles were produced in Russia at Machine-Building Works in Moscow, Petersburg, Riga and Orel. Most of them were produced in Riga at the Russian-Baltic Railway Works. During six years (1910-1915) only 451 cars and a few score of trucks were delivered.

        At the outbreak of World War I the number of vehicles in Russia did not exceed 10000 units, mostly of foreign make, among them 2000 trucks.

        In 1916 efforts were made to build some Motor Works in Russia, but none of them ever got down to commercial operation.

        It was only after the Great October Socialist Revolution that automotive industry began developing in our country. In 1924 the first Soviet trucks – ten AMO-F-15 came off the assembly lines and took part in the holiday parade on the Red Square in Moscow.

        Very few vehicles were produced at that time (1924-1931) at three plants – in Moscow, at the AMO Works (now the I. A. Likhachev Motor Works), at the Yaroslavl Motor Works and at the Moscow Motor Works «Spartak» which produced compact cars (1927-1930). In 1931 only 4005 vehicles had been produced in our country.

        The drive to boost automobile production and bring out a range of cars began in 1932. In Nizhni-Novgorod (now Gorky) new Motor Works appeared which planned to manufacture at least 150000 vehicles a

Before – перед, few - немного

Produced - производить

Most - большинство

During – в течении

Delivered – доставленный, поданный

Outbreak - начало

Vehicles - экипаж

Exceed – превышать, mostly – в основном

Foreign – иностранный, Among – между, efforts - усилие

Commercial - торговый

Developing - развиваться

Assembly - собирать

Vehicles - экипаж

Produced - производить

three plants – три завода

Boost – способствовать росту

Bring out – выпуск, range - ряд

Appeared - появился

year. The Moscow Automobile Works underwent reconstruction to turn out up to 25000 automobiles.

        Five years later (in 1937) the Soviet Union was the first in Europe and the second in the world (after the USA) in the production of trucks. In two years the pre-war level of production was reached – up to 201700 vehicles. At the Gorky, Moscow and Yaroslavl Works trucks, buses and special service cars of all types came off the assembly lines as well as passenger cars – big, medium and compact. The highly developed automotive industry was able to meet the requirements of national economy. It played a great role in supplying the Soviet Army in wartime.

World War II and the subsequent Great Patriotic War held back the development of automotive industry in our country. The Moscow Motor Works was evacuated to the East. Later on, new Automobile Works appeared on the basis of its workshops in Ulyanovsk, Miass, Shadrinsk and Chelyabinsk.

        After the Great Patriotic War the pre-war level of automotive industry was not only reached, but even surpassed in 1949 (276000 vehicles). During the three Five-Year-Plan periods (1951-1965) the production of cars was doubles, and in 1965 it reached the level of 616000 units.

        Until 1965 mainly trucks were manufactured. They made up 62% of the total production of vehicles in the USSR, as compared to 20% in the USA, Federal German Republic, England, France and Italy. Our country held the third place in the world and the first place in Europe in the production

Underwent - подвергся

Second - второй

Production - производство

Pre-war - довоенный

Reached – достиг

Types - тип

Assembly  - собрание

Developed - развитый

Requirements – требование

Supplying - поставка

Subsequent – последующий


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