Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку"
Автор: flotout • Март 30, 2023 • Контрольная работа • 1,408 Слов (6 Страниц) • 345 Просмотры
Вариант 2
I.Заполните пропуски в предложениях, поставив слова скобках в правильную форму. В ответах укажите только образованное слово.
- Incidents INVOLVING fires, explosions, or chemical releases can be initiated by internal (e.g., accident) or external (geophysical, meteorological, or hydrological events; or terrorist attacks) causes.
- The authorities have deployed several rescue teams to help evacuate the AFFECTED people.
- The ministry is RESPONSIBLE for providing shelters in high-risk areas, for evacuating civilian population from threatened areas, and for limiting damage from natural disasters.
- The disaster response phase includes the MOBILIZATION of the emergency personnel.
- Disaster is a non-routine event that produces greater losses than a community can HANDLE, including the injured people, property damage, and significant environmental damage.
II. Заполните пропуски в тексте, используя слова, приведенные в рамке. Ответ укажите в цифробуквенной форме.
The main concept of disaster (1) DAMAGE is vulnerability, or risk reduction. Vulnerability is characteristics of persons, groups, and systems that influence their (2) capacity to predict, cope with, resist and (3) recover from hazards (4) IMPACT. It is determined by physical, social, economic, and environmental factors. Disaster vulnerability has two aspects: susceptibility, the degree of exposure to (5) improve and resilience, the ability to withstand disaster (6) hazards.
The problem of reducing vulnerability usually concerns governmental, institutional and individual levels. But disaster management, including reducing vulnerability, is mistakenly considered a duty of a state. Certainly, efforts to (7) preparedness at individual levels should be supported by corresponding efforts by government institutions. For this reason, disaster risk reduction must be a shared (8) responsibility between governments, communities and individuals.
III. Выпишите и письменно переведите предложения, в которых содержится субъектный инфинитивный оборот.
- The local government appears to have failed to adequately and effectively prepare for a disaster response.
- The CEO stated this problem not to have any solution.
- He is sure to cope with his new responsibilities.
- Financial troubles caused the authority of the emergency management agency to reduce the number of its staff by 10 per cent.
- They expect the rescue operation to be completed within several hours.
- Effective emergency managers are supposed to stay calm in high-pressure situations.
1. The local government appears to have failed to adequately and effectively prepare for a disaster response.
Оказалось что, местные власти не смогли адекватно и эффективно подготовиться к реагированию на стихийные бедствия.
3. He is sure to cope with his new responsibilities. Несомненно, он справится с его новыми обязанностями.
6. Effective emergency managers are supposed to stay calm in high-pressure situations.
Предполагается, что эффективные менеджеры служб экстренной помощи остаются спокойными в критических ситуациях.
IV. Выпишите и письменно переведите предложения, в которых содержится герундий.
- Early warning systems can alert coastal population of approaching tsunamis and they can give population time to be evacuated from dangerous areas.
- The unified command structure allows all agencies with responsibility for the incident to manage an incident by establishing a common set of incident objectives and strategies.
- The response function of emergency management includes actions aimed at limiting injuries, loss of life, and damage to property and the environment that are taken before, during, and immediately after a hazardous event.
- The Incident Commander is responsible for all aspects of the response including the development of incident objectives and management of all incident operations.
- The president criticized the local officials for not reporting the incident to emergency services in a timely and proper way.
- Disasters can be classified according to their speed of onset, their cause or their scale.
1. Early warning systems can alert coastal population of approaching tsunamis and they can give population time to be evacuated from dangerous areas.
Системы раннего предупреждения могут оповещать прибрежное население о приближении цунами и давать населению время для эвакуации из опасных районов.
3. The response function of emergency management includes actions aimed at limiting injuries, loss of life, and damage to property and the environment that are taken before, during, and immediately after a hazardous event.
Функция реагирования при управлении чрезвычайными ситуациями выключает действия, направленные на сокращение ранений, смертей и ущерба собственности, а так же окружающей среде, которые предпринимаются до, во время и после ЧС.
5. The president criticized the local officials for not reporting the incident to emergency services in a timely and proper way.
Президент раскритиковал местные власти за отсутствие сообщения об аварии службам экстренной помощи в нужное время и в нужной форме.
V. Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-5 и текстами A-D. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок. Ответы укажите в таблице.