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Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку"

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Контрольная работа

Вариант 2

Задание №1

Выпишите слова по образцу в соответствии с типом слога:

1 тип: гласная буква находится в положении, когда за ней следует гласная или согласная + буква е;

2 тип: гласная буква находится в положении, когда за ней следует согласная;

3 тип: за гласной буквой следует согласная г (+ еще согласная);

4 тип: за гласной буквой следуют   re.

1 тип: открытый

2 тип: закрытый

3 тип: гласная + г

4 тип: глас. + re

State, duty, plate, wire, pale, tree, rover, though, safe, read, be, crime, fate, tape, male, grade, date

mdate,male ьmmgrade,

Fat, kill, rent, not, cop, robber, star, get, act, album, wind, nock, dark, bark

Star, dark, fur, work, surve, curve,

Care, mere, hare, bare, fare, aware

Plate, wire, pale, rent, not, tree, work, cop, rover, care, though, safe, robber, star, be, read, get, duty, serve, crime, act, curve, album, fate, wind, tape, fare; aware, date, nock, hare, grade, male, dark, bare, bark.

Задание №2

Заполните пропуски артиклями (a/an, the), где это необходимо:

  1. My mother was born in Moscow.
  2. As far as I know the Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world.
  3. Dmitry came to the party with a girl.  The girl is very beautiful, she has long silky hair and blue eyes.
  4. Here is the journal you need.
  5. When I came back home, I decided to become a militiaman.
  6. My wife is a doctor in the Regional Hospital.
  7. London is the capital of Great Britain.
  8. The main landmass of the USA lies in central North America.
  9. My parents are pensioners.

           10. Last year our friends visited the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

     11. My father often told me how he traveled in the Caucasus.

  1. What desert is larger: the Gobi or the Sahara?

Задание №3 

Перепишите и переведите предложения. Выпишите все прилагательные и наречия, употреблённые в этих предложениях, в три колонки, распределив их по степеням сравнения.

  1. My best friend lives in Copenhagen. - Мой лучший друг живет в Копенгагене.
  2. Today we have less free time than yesterday. - Сегодня у нас меньше свободного времени, чем вчера.
  3. The streets in Old Riga are narrow. - Улицы в Старой Риге узкие.
  4. Give me a better suitcase, I don't like this one. - Дайте мне чемодан получше, этот мне не нравится.
  5. The Moscow underground is the most beautiful in the world. – Московское метро - самое красивое в мире.
  6. My brother's flat is smaller than mine. – Квартира моего брата меньше, чем моя.




(the) best




The most beautiful



Образуйте множественное, число от следующих существительных:        

a) tooth - teeth

h) knife-knives

b) sheep-sheep

i) army-armies

c) patrolman-patrolmen

j) match-matches

d) city-cities

k) foot-feet

e) suspect-suspects

1) wife-wives

f) criminal-criminals

m) prison-prisons

g) boy-boys

n) shelf-shelves

Задание №5

Образуйте предложения, расположив слова в правильном порядке:

  1. Novokuznetsk, my, town, is, native. - Novokuznetsk is my native town.
  2. School, finished, he, in, Tomsk, in, 1984. - He finished school in Tomsk in 1984.
  3. Married, I, not, yet, am. - I am not married yet.
  4. Entered, University, 1996, I, in. - I entered University in 1996.
  5. Lot, people, fond, a, reading, of, are, of. – A lot of people are fond of reading.
  6. You, do, your, family, love? – Do you love your family?
  7. I, entered, University, entrance, exams, and, passed, I, last year. – I passed exams and entered University last year.
  8. Medical officer, my, is, sister, a.. – My sister is a medical officer.
  9. I, late, am, am, sorry, I. – I am sorry, I am late.
  10. Many, have, I, relatives. – I have many relatives.
  11. Get, usually, up, at, 6 o'clock, I. – I usually get up at six o’clock.
  12. Parents, my, now, are, pensioners. – My parents are pensioners now.
  13. Father, my, teacher, is, profession, a, by. – My father is a teacher by profession.
  14. To, have, he, glad, is, rest. – He is glad to have a rest.

Задание №6 

Перепишите предложения. Существительные в скобках поставьте в притяжательный падеж.


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