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Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку"

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I. Read, translate and learn the given words; find definition of each word:

1. an abstract

a) the place where someone or something is, and all the things, people, or emotions that are part of that place

2. a contributor

b) something that you plan to achieve, especially in business or work

3.  a section

c) a document that tells you what will happen in a performance or event

4. setting  

d) short summary of a report, speech, or academic paper

5.  an objective

e) something as a rule, law, contract etc that  states what you must do

6. a heading

f)  a person or an animal that is used in a medical or scientific test

7. a requirement

g) someone who writes a story or article that is published in a newspaper or magazine

8.  a programme

h) a magazine containing articles relating to a particular subject or profession

9. a subject

i) a part of a newspaper, book, or other piece of writing that may be considered separately

10. a  journal

j) the title at the top of a page or piece of writing

  1. D
  2. G
  3. A
  4. I
  5. B
  6. J
  7. E
  8. C
  9. F
  10. H

II. Read and translate the text:

Structured abstracts[ˈстракчэд ˈэбстрэктс]

(based on Eric H. Glendening, Ron Howard Professional English in Use Medicine. – Cambridge University Press, 2007. – 167p. )[ (бейст он ˈерик ейч. Glendening, рон ˈхaуэд прэˈфешэнл ˈинглиш ин юз ˈмедсин. – ˈкеймбридж ˌюниˈвёсити прес, 2007. – 167пи. )]

An abstract is a type[эн ˈэбстрэкт из э тайп] of summary[ов ˈсамэри], and may be found[энд мей би фaунд] in special collections[ин ˈспешэл кэˈлекшнз] of abstracts[кэˈлекшнз ов ˈэбстрэктс], such as Medline[сач эз Medline], or in conference programmes[ор ин ˈконфэрэнс ˈпроугрэмз], as well as at the beginning[эз уэл эз эт зэ биˈгинин] of a research article[ов э риˈсёч ˈатикл]. Many journals require contributors[ˈмени ˈджёнлз риˈкуайэ кэнˈтрибьютэз] (authors wishing to publish their articles in the journal)[ ˈосэз ˈуишин ту ˈпаблиш зеэр ˈатиклз ин зэ ˈджёнл] to provide a structured[ту прэˈвайд э ˈстракчэд] abstract - an abstract[ˈэбстрэкт - эн ˈэбстрэкт] which is divided into specific sections[уич из диˈвайдид ˈинту спиˈсифик ˈсекшнз].

The British Medical journal structured abstract is divided into the following sections:[ зэ ˈбритиш ˈмедикэл ˈджёнл ˈстракчэд ˈэбстрэкт из диˈвайдид ˈинту зэ ˈфолоуин ˈсекшнз]:

- Objective[- эбˈджектив]

- Design[- диˈзайн]

- Setting[- ˈсетин]

- Subjects[- ˈсабджиктс]

- Main outcome measure[- мейн ˈaуткам ˈмежэ]

- Results[- риˈзалтс]

- Conclusion[- кэнˈклужэн]

Here is an example[хиэр из эн игˈзампл]:

AGE AT RETIREMENT[ейдж эт риˈтайэмэнт] AND LONG TERM SURVIVAL[энд лон тём сэˈвайвэл] OF AN INDUSTRIAL POPULATION[ов эн инˈдастриэл ˌпопьюˈлейшн]: PROSPECTIVE COHORT[прэсˈпектив ˈкоухот] STUDY OBJECTIVE[ˈстади эбˈджектив]

To assess whether early retirement is associated with better survival[ту эˈсес ˈуэзэр ˈёли риˈтайэмэнт из эˈсоушиейтид уиз ˈбетэ сэˈвайвэл.



Long term prospective cohort study[лон тём прэсˈпектив ˈкоухот ˈстади.].


Petroleum and petrochemical industry. United States[пиˈтроулиэм энд ˌпетроуˈкемикл ˈиндэстри. юˈнайтид стейтс.].

SUBJECTS[ˈсабджиктс ]

Past employees of Shell Oil who retired at ages 55, 60, and 65 between 1 January 1973 and 31 December 2003,[ паст ˌемплойˈиз ов шел ойл ху риˈтайэд эт ˈейджиз 55, 60, энд 65 биˈтуин 1 ˈджэньюэри 1973 энд 31 диˈсембэ 2003,]


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