Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку"
Автор: Ильнур Акрамов • Март 6, 2023 • Контрольная работа • 921 Слов (4 Страниц) • 136 Просмотры
2. a) In today’s presentation I’m hoping to cover three points: firstly, we will review the causes of problems on the pipeline, after that we will look at Mechanism of pressure drops, and finally I’ll turn to the calculations and their results [rɪˈzʌlt].
3.To explain [səbˈstænʃɪeɪt] the urgency of the problems, let's consider the properties of oil in productive formations. So these oils are highly viscous, have a high density and a high content of asphaltenes [ˈæsfæltənz] resin [ˈrezɪn] and paraffins. In reality, it leads to an increase in pressure drops. We will determine the loss of this pressure and for this we will choose a section of the pipeline.
4. Let's turn to the simplified scheme of the Mancharovskoye field. The most problematic section with is located between the separator [ˈsepəreɪtə] and the collection point was selected. It is in this area that paraffin deposits appear. We have chosen a pipeline section, and before calculations we need to consider the mechanism pressure losses.
5. Let’s look now at the diagram of the pipeline section is presented on the left. Oil moving from the water separator with the initial temperature and gradually cools down. At some point in the pipeline, the temperature drops to the crystallization temperature and paraffin deposition begins. Also, the problem of cooling the liquid have high viscosity, which can be seen in the graph on the right. All this effects leads to an increase in pressure drops, which we need to calculate.
6. Let’s look now at the methods of calculating pressure losses. The pressure will be determined by the Darcy -Weisbach equation. Three calculation methods were considered:
1) Without taking into account the change in viscosity, that is a simple hydraulic [haɪˈdrɒlɪk] calculation
2) According to the Shukhov formula, It takes into account the change in temperature.
3) And the Shukhov-Chernikin formula, which takes into heat of crystallization
So we have chosen the methods and now
7. Let' reflect the calculation results. We got graph of pressure dependence along the length. For each method, we will see a break point, which means the appearance of crystals and an increase in pressure.
Also we may notice [ˈnəʊtɪs] The final values of the calculations have differences: 1) so the highest values were obtained according to the first method of calculation (simple hydraulic calculation), then below are results obtained by the Shukhov formula, and the lowest has the Shukhov-Chernikin formula. This is exactly what is recommended for use, because it takes into account more parameters.
8. Also, when operating the pipeline, we need to know the maximum thickness of the deposits, at which there will be no rupture [ˈrʌpʧə]. Let's turn to the dependence of pressure on the deposit thicknes. Knowing that 4 MPa is the maximum pressure, we get that the permissible thickness of deposits should not exceed 24 mm.
9. Lets take a results!
calculations in-field pipeline show that we cannot exceed the thickness of deposits by more than 24 mm;
For the pipeline, it is necessary to take into account the change in viscosity along the length.
it is recommended to calculate the pressure and pressure losses according to the Shukhov-Chernikin formula.
10. Thank you for your attention
3. Чтобы обосновать актуальность проблемы улучшения pipeline operation Рассмотрим свойства нефти продуктивных пластов. Эти нефти являются высоковязкими, имеют высокую плотность и большое содержание асфальтосмолопарафинов. В реальности приводит к негативным последствиям – росту потерь давления. Определим потери этого давления и для этого выберем участок трубопровода
4. Обратимся к упрощенной схеме манчаровского месторождения. Был выбран наиболее проблемный участок длиной в 28 км. Он расположен между сепаратором и сборным пунктом. Именно на этом участке происходит выпадение отложений асфальтенов на участке трубопровода. Рассмотрим механизм выпадения этих отложений.
5. Итак, схема участка трубопровода представлена слева. Нефть двигаясь от водосепаратора с начальной температурой остывает. В некоторой точке трубопрововода температура падает до температуры кристаллизации и начинается выпадение парафина. Мы видим, что это приводит к уменьшению сечения трубопровода в ее правой части, а также на правом графике, что это приводит к увеличению вязкости. Все это и приводит к росту потерь давления.