Заседание клуба “Healthy kids”
Автор: Оксана Майорова • Январь 17, 2022 • Творческая работа • 595 Слов (3 Страниц) • 184 Просмотры
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Заседание клуба “Healthy kids”
Цель - совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков употребления лексики по теме «Здоровье» и модальных глаголов must, should.
- продолжить работу по формированию речевых умений обучающихся в различных видах речевой деятельности: приветствие, прощание, представление себя другим, выражение жалоб, предложение советов и рекомендаций.
- Развивать логическое мышление, воображение, память.
- Воспитывать потребность в здоровом образе жизни, соблюдении правил этикета.
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, эмблема клуба, аудиозапись, карточки с заданием по аудированию, трансформационные опоры, надписи с ролями (kids, parents, doctors), карточки-оценивания деятельности членов клуба, газета клуба, картинки (мяч, яблоко, часы).
- Оргмомент .
- Good morning, children. How are you?
- Заседание клуба.
- Объявление названия клуба, речевая разминка (девиз клуба).
- Today we will be members of the club “Healthy kids”. And our motto is “Keep healthy way – Illnesses will go away”. (речевая разминка – работа с девизом).
- Определение темы заседания клуба.
- Now I ask you to listen to the song and then tell me the topic of our club meeting.
Аудиозапись песни “Children have healthy problems”.
- Who can tell me the topic of our meeting?
На доску вывешивается тема заседания клуба: “ Illnesses and their prophylactic measures.
- We’ll speak about illnesses with using the modal verbs: must and should.
- Аудирование.
- Look at your cads (Слайд 1). What can you see? (The names of childrens and illnesses). Now listen to the song once again and mach what the illness does each child have. For example? Truth has toothache.
- So let’s check (Слайд 2). Truth has toothache. Teddy … Ok, thank you.
- Моделирование ситуации (ролевая игра).
- Now you will have some roles. You will be kids, you – parents and you – doctors.
- Open your envelope and take green sheets and colour cards. You have the task, read it and discuss who will be kids, parents and doctors then you will act the situation, 2 minutes for you.
- So stop. Let’s act. You try act as nice as you can. And other members look and listen very attentively and then show the mark cards.
Драматизация ситуаций.
- «Живые слова» (построение предложений).
- Imagine that your friends have such healthy problems (Слайд 3). What will you advise?
- Take word cards from the envelope. You will make the advice from the words. Each of you must show one of the words (показ на примере). Some words are extra. 1 minute for you.
- Составление советов (конструирование предложений).
- Well, look outside, what is the season now? (Winter).
- And in winter many kids can have the flu. We have the club newspaper “Tips for the prophylactic measures of the flu”. There are some headings: Food, Sport and Regime of the day.
- Now take colour sheets and write down tips in our newspaper. You may use phrases from the blue sheet or books at the page …. 3 minutes for you.
- Listen very attentively and show violet card if there is a mistake.
- Высказывание позиций (рефлексия).
- Now I ask you to show your position. Look at your desks, you have picture of apple, ball and watch. Put one of the picture in that heading which is very important for you.
- Итог.
- We had roles, we showed our position about the health and we want to be healthy. There is one English proverb “Be healthy and wealthy” (Слайд 4). Read, translate it. Can you tell me the same Russian proverb «В здоровом теле, здоровый дух».
- So the time of our club is over, let’s tell to each other “Be healthy and wealthy” and for our guests.
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