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Тест по "Иностранному языку"

Автор:   •  Февраль 15, 2022  •  Тест  •  12,182 Слов (49 Страниц)  •  222 Просмотры

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Факультет: Агропромышленный

Кафедра:  Водные ресурсы, землепользование и агротехника

Специальность: 6B07360

Форма и язык обучения: английский         Курс: 2     Группа: АП-20-6тк

Дисциплина: Земельный кадастр

Семестр: 3

Количество кредитов: 5

Общее количество тестов: 300

Разработал:     Абдуова А.А.к.т.н.,доцент.

1.What ownership of land exists in the Republic of Kazakhstan:


  1. public and private


  1. municipal and individual


  1. public and private


  1. popular and civil


  1. agricultural and technical


2. How many categories the land fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan is subdivided into:


  1. seven


  1. five


  1. six


  1. nine


  1. ten


3. For how many natural zones the land fund is allocated on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan:


  1. ten

  1. eight

  1. nine
  1. five
  1. seven


4.What is land zoning:


  1. determination of the territory of lands with the establishment of their intended purpose and mode of use

  1. original methodological guidelines

  1. efficient use of land cover fertility
  1. continuous improvement of production efficiency
  1. strict adherence to laws and other regulations


5.What does the definition of the territory of lands mean with the establishment of their intended purpose and mode of use?


  1. land zoning

  1. land grading

  1. land registration
  1. soil fertility
  1. land reclamation


6.What does state control over the use and protection of land mean?


  1. it is a system of measures aimed at compliance with land legislation

  1. ensuring high efficiency of agricultural production, increasing the productivity of labor sectors

  1. organization of rational use and protection of land
  1. creation of conditions for the equal development of all forms of farming on earth
  1. regulation of land relations based on the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan


7. The system of measures aimed at compliance with land legislation for the rational use and protection of land is called:


  1. state control over the use and protection of land

  1. land registration

  1. soil appraisal
  1. land cadastre
  1. land monitoring


8. What is the nature of the system of rational land use:


  1. environmental resource saving

  1. regulation of land relations based on the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  1. creation of conditions for the equal development of all forms of farming on earth
  1. organization of rational use and protection of land
  1. land information system, part of state cadastres


9. Who is entrusted with control over the observance of the correct use and protection of land by individuals and legal entities:


  1. to the land surveyor

  1. governing bodies

  1. each enterprise separately
  1. civil servants
  1. an employee of a private enterprise


10. Who has the right to give land users and land owners recommendations on the correct use and protection of land:


  1. land management officials

  1. to non-state legal entities and individuals

  1. state legal entities and individuals
  1. only to non-state legal entities
  1. only to non-state individuals


11. What systems of measures includes land protection:


  1. legal, organizational, economic

  1. continuous improvement of production efficiency

  1. widespread and steady improvement in the living and working conditions of people
  1. strict adherence to laws and other regulations
  1. there is no right answer


12. What are the consequences of improper distribution of land between land users are identified and eliminated by state control over land use:


  1. negative

  1. positive

  1. soil salinity
  1. soil permeability
  1. state of arable land


13. How many responsibilities are there for land owners to protect land:


  1. five

  1. four

  1. three
  1. seven
  1. ten


14. Which bodies are subjects of state control over the use and protection of land:


  1. state

  1. physical

  1. non-state
  1. private
  1. legal


15. Which lands are subject to special protection:


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