Продвижение малого бизнеса
Автор: Ghubjn • Апрель 2, 2019 • Статья • 1,328 Слов (6 Страниц) • 406 Просмотры
Promotion of small business is a difficult task, much more difficult than working with large companies. In recent years, small businesses have undergone very serious changes, many enterprises have been forced to close because they did not generate income, and the level of competition increased. Sales fall with income, if not to engage in effective promotion.
Most of the promotion methods used in the global market will not help small firms. In addition, the problem is that they are very difficult to implement in our market. But some methods can be adapted to the format of a small business and be engaged in its promotion. What are the options for promoting small business?
1)Local newspapers, magazines. This is a relatively inexpensive form of advertising, which in the era of total dominance of the Internet began to be ignored, but in vain. With well-written message text, this type of advertising can be effective.
2)Billboards, billboards. This is a good way to inform potential clients not only that your business exists, but also about all sorts of promotions, discounts, special programs.
3)Advertising in public transport. It is cheaper than billboards, but not always suitable for the target audience. If most of your clients use public transport services, then this can be an effective way to promote a business.
4)SMS distribution. This is a great way to tell your customers about the new promotion, discounts, product receipts, or simply to wish a happy new year and strengthen the loyalty of the target audience.
5)Local TV. You'd be surprised, but advertising on TV may not always be the most expensive. Moreover, sometimes you can get it for free! How to do it? You have to give TV people what they want - material for broadcast, news release, etc.
6)Distribution of leaflets. This is one of the cheapest ways to advertise a small business. Its effectiveness is controversial among marketers, but why not try it? The main thing is to keep track of the number of customers who came through the leaflets and correlate the profit with the costs in order to understand whether the game is worth the candle.
7)Free trial copies. Usually this is organized in the hope that satisfied and delighted consumers will go to the right and left to recommend this product, thus contributing to the spread of rumor (word of mouth effect). This method of promotion is able to bring you loyal customers who will make multiple purchases.
8)Sponsorship. Usually this kind of advancement is associated with something costly. But again, if you approach this creatively, you can reduce costs.
Suppose your store sells baby products. Give a little help to the local creative house, kindergarten or children's club.
9)Participation in local exhibitions, fairs, business forums, conferences, symposia. This is a great opportunity not only to find new customers, but also business partners, suppliers. This is a chance to explore competitors, to identify their strengths and weaknesses.
10)Using the Internet. Even if you have a purely traditional type of business that has nothing to do with web technologies, you should not neglect the opportunities offered by the world wide web. There is a huge amount of Internet marketing tools: contextual advertising, social networks, e-mailing, SEO
Contextual advertising - these are advertisements that are displayed in response to a user request in a search engine, as well as on thematic sites that are part of an advertising network.
Social media marketing (SMM) is the attraction of traffic or attention to a brand through social networks.
SEO or search engine optimization are measures that help to raise a site to higher positions in search results for certain user requests.
11)Hold an unusual event. Scientifically, this is called event marketing - when you organize an interesting and exciting event that involves a large number of participants, and perhaps even the local press.
For example, the organization of a sports competition bike store. Or holding a local cafe for eating hamburgers. Or the organization of a literary evening, a contest of stories or poems by a bookstore. The main thing here is fantasy and creativity.
This is far from exhaustive, but a basic list of forms of promotion of small business. In order to achieve the desired result from advertising, it is desirable to apply an integrated approach, that is, to use several types of promotion at once. And, of course, you need to analyze what returns, what does not, and adjust your marketing strategy.
Продвижение малого бизнеса — это сложная задача, намного сложнее, чем работа с крупными компаниями. В последние годы малый бизнес подвергся очень серьезным изменениям, многие предприятия были вынуждены закрыться, потому что они не приносили дохода, а уровень конкуренции при этом вырос. Продажи падают вместе с доходами, если не заниматься эффективным продвижением.
Большинство методов продвижения, которые используются на мировом рынке, не помогут небольшим фирмам. Кроме того, проблемой является то, что их очень сложно реализовать на нашем рынке. Но некоторые методы можно адаптировать под формат малого бизнеса и заняться его продвижением. Какие же существуют варианты продвижения малого бизнеса?
#1 Местные газеты, журналы. Это относительно недорогой вид рекламы, который в эпоху тотального доминирования интернета начал игнорироваться, но зря. При грамотно составленном тексте сообщения этот вид рекламы может быть эффективным.
#2 Рекламные щиты, билборды. Это хороший способ сообщить потенциальной клиентуре не только о том, что Ваш бизнес существует, но и о всевозможных акциях, скидках, специальных программах.
#3 Реклама в общественном транспорте. Это дешевле, чем билборды, но не всегда подходит по целевой аудитории. Если Ваши клиенты в большинстве своем пользуются услугами общественного транспорта, то тогда это может быть эффективным методом продвижения бизнеса.
#4 SMS-рассылка. Это отличный способ рассказать своим клиентам о новой акции, скидках, поступлениях товаров или просто поздравить с новым годом и укрепить лояльность целевой аудитории.