Практическая работа по "Деловой иностранный язык"
Автор: stz55527 • Июль 3, 2018 • Практическая работа • 350 Слов (2 Страниц) • 839 Просмотры
Практическая работа
по дисциплине: Деловой иностранный язык
Выполнила студентка
3 курса Вид Наталья Валерьевна
Группа: ЭС2-117(1)
Омск 2018
Ваша компания стабильно развивается, однако, ей необходимо выходить на международный уровень. Существует одна проблема, которая заключается в том, что ваши сотрудники не имеют опыта реального общения с иностранными партнерами.
1) The next step of our company development is …
2) We need a good practice of…
3) The reason to organize this training course is… …
4) We hope to further development of our …
5) In order to solve this problem….
About 47% of companies state that their companies do not provide the required level of training of employees to language and communication skills, and 40% believe that enough resources are not invested in attracting and searching for people who work in a multinational environment.
The next step in the development of our company is stable development and access to the international level.
English is the working language of the company, so all employees must own it to the extent that the specificity of their work requires it. And our employees do not have the experience of real communication with foreign partners.
Therefore, we need good practice. And we are counting on you.
The reason for organizing this training course is the audit of large international companies is in the hands of only five international audit firms (the "Big Five") operating around the world. This is because multinational companies (TNCs) prefer that the same firm conducts the audit of all their international branches, since it is much more profitable to have a single auditor for the whole company. To be able to audit for TNCs, the audit firm needs to ensure a global presence in almost all countries. Despite the fact that the local competitor is ready to offer a more attractive price for conducting an audit of a particular unit, TNCs do not accept their proposals.