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Почему наказание важно в обществе

Автор:   •  Март 24, 2023  •  Эссе  •  588 Слов (3 Страниц)  •  208 Просмотры

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How does punishment work to create a better society?

Why is punishment important in society?

In our society, punishment performs an important function, deterring criminal behavior, protecting society from dangerous people and holding individuals accountable for their actions. This serves as a reminder that certain actions are unacceptable in society and that violation of the law entails consequences. In addition, punishment can instill in victims and their families a sense of justice, as well as provide offenders with an opportunity to reform and reintegrate into society.

In order for punishment to help create a better society, it is important to apply effective punishments. The application of punishment in fair and reasonable ways requires careful consideration of the person, the situation, the person's previous behavior and the seriousness of the offense.

The first punishment should be unpleasant, but not harsh. If it is too lenient, the punishment will be ignored; but if it is too severe, those who are being punished will think too much about pain and discomfort and not enough about how they need to change their behavior to avoid it in the future.

The second punishment should be applied in such a way as to inform people about what they did wrong, as well as how they need to change in order to do the right thing. Simply realizing that what they did was wrong, without knowing how to change, can be very frustrating. The important thing is that they help people see what they did wrong and what damage they caused. Moreover, the punishment seems fair.

Evidence has shown that clear and reasonable explanations of punishment significantly increase the effectiveness of punishment and lead to the desired behavior. By itself, punishment, imprisonment will do little good if it does not make people re-evaluate what they have done wrong. But when used properly and combined with reasonable explanations, punishment can teach offenders better ways to behave and deter them and others from committing crimes.

Почему наказание важно в обществе?

В нашем обществе наказание выполняет важную функцию , сдерживая преступное поведение, защищая общество от опасных людей и привлекая отдельных лиц к ответственности за свои действия. Это служит напоминанием о том, что определенные действия неприемлемы в обществе и что нарушение закона влечет за собой последствия. Кроме того, наказание может привить жертвам и их семьям чувство справедливости, а также предоставить правонарушителям возможность исправиться и реинтегрироваться в общество.


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