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Органическое происхождение - нефть

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Органическое происхождение - нефть

The organic origin of oil and gas is recognized by the vast majority of scientists and practitioners all over the world.

It is currently a working hypothesis to explain the identified patterns of oil and gas deposits and is the scientific basis for the practice of exploration. now recognized by the vast majority of scientists and practitioners. Geological, geochemical and chemical arguments can be given to justify this provision. Geological evidence of the biogenic origin of oil is based on the conditions of occurrence of oil and gas and the laws of their distribution in the earth's crust. One of the proofs of the organic origin of oil is that 99 9 % of the known accumulations of oil and gas are confined to sedimentary strata. Another proof is the uneven distribution of oil and gas accumulations in the earth's crust and their predominant attachment to certain lithological-facies complexes.

Although the hypothesis of oil can be recognized as the most likely, containing its formation distributed unevenly. Further, it does not always remain where it originated, but, on the contrary, often moves from the parent rock and accumulates in the porous rock; the distance between them can be tens of kilometers.

This theory of oil has the greatest number of supporters. Some researchers believe that oil was formed from the remains of marine animals, others - from the remains of algae; some see the source of oil formation in the remains of terrestrial plants.

The theory of the biogenic origin of oil is now generally accepted. However, it should be taken into account Such opinion of D. I. Mendeleev, supported by L. E. Chichibabin, that the oil formed from metal carbides and water could further dissolve organic substances in the water or layers of the earth and have no relation to its original origin.

Theories of biogenic origin of oil are divided into three main groups:

1) the theory of animal origin of oil.

 2) the theory of vegetable origin of oil.

 3) the theory of mixed origin, according to which the formation of oil involved organic material - animal and vegetable residues.

This theory of oil (more precisely - the biogenesis of the original substance) in its latest version draws a very welcome prospects for the search for oil deposits in all tectonic depressions (including their distant slopes), within which there were sedimentary basins made more or less powerful (more than 2-3 km.

The hypothesis of oil involves the formation of oil from the remains of animals and plant organisms at high temperatures in the absence of oxygen. In small stagnant pools in large quantities develop blue-green algae, small arthropods and plankton organisms. Dying, they together with pollen of plants and some amount of introduced fine mineral matter fall to the bottom of the pool, forming soft, sometimes quite powerful layers of organic silt - sapropel.


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