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Кровь и её элементы

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Blood and its elements

Blood is a red fluid circulating in the body that provides nutrition and the metabolism of all the cells in the body. 
Human blood is approximately 8% of body weight. The blood consists of cells, cellular fragments and an aqueous solution, plasma. The proportion of cellular elements in the total volume is called hematocrit and is approximately 45%.

Blood functions:

  • Blood carries gases - oxygen and carbon dioxide, as well as nutrients to the liver and other organs after absorption in the intestine.
  • The blood maintains a water balance between the circulatory system, cells and the extracellular environment.
  • Against foreign molecules and cells that enter the body, the blood has nonspecific and specific defense mechanisms.
  • To prevent blood loss when blood vessels in the blood are damaged, there is an effective coagulation system - physiological clotting.

Blood cells:

Insoluble blood elements are red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
Different forms of granulocytes, monocytes and lymphocytes belong to leukocytes. These cells differ in size, function and place of formation.

Platelets are cellular fragments of large progenitor cells of the bone marrow megakaryocytes. The main function of platelets is to participate in blood coagulation.

Red blood cells (red blood cells) are the most numerous cellular component of the blood. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which binds oxygen in the lungs and transports it to the tissues.

Blood plasma:

Blood plasma is an aqueous solution of electrolytes, nutrients, metabolites, proteins, vitamins, trace elements and signaling substances.

Determination of the electrolyte composition of blood plasma is carried out in clinical and chemical laboratories.

New words

Лейкоциты – white blood cells                          пульс – pulse

Тромбоциты – platelets                                      артерия – artery

Эритроциты – red blood cells                            аорта – aorta

Плазма крови – blood plasma                            капилляры – capillaries

Клетка – cell                                                       сердце - a heart

Кровь – blood

Элементы крови – blood elements

Клетки крови – blood cells

Complete the tasks

  1. What are red blood cells?
  2. What percentage is human blood by mass?
  3. List blood cells?
  4. Write blood functions?

Guess the crossword[pic 1]

  1. Very thin blood vessels permeating organs and tissues. Forms the networks connecting the smallest arteries and the smallest veins.
  2. Large artery extending from the left ventricle.
  3. Blood vessels carrying venous blood from organs and tissues to the right atrium.
  4. The blood vessels through which blood moves from the heart to the organs and tissues of the body. Located deep under the muscle layer.
  5. Introduction to the bloodstream of a sick person (recipient) with the medical purposes of blood taken from a healthy person (donor).
  6. Low blood pressure.
  7. Periodic jerky expansion of arterial walls, synchronous with the contraction of the left ventricle.
  8. Increased blood pressure in the arterial system.
  9. Bleeding that occurs when the capillaries are damaged, the blood flows out slowly, in small quantities.



[pic 2]


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Кровь и её элементы

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