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Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку в сфере юриспруденции"

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Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное бюджетное
образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Комсомольский-на-Амуре государственный университет»

Социально-гуманитарный факультет

Кафедра «Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация»


по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции»


Задание 1: Выберите правильный ответ, используя лексику учебной и учебносоциальной сферы.

 1. One can find meanings of the foreign or technical expressions used in the text in


1) index 2) glossary 3) content 4) keys

2. Your teacher: “You don‟t seem to be making any progress.” You: “Glad to hear it from you.  ”

1) Glad to hear it from you. 2) Really? 3) It‟s your fault! 4) Oh! I will work harder.

 Задание 2: Выберите правильный ответ, используя деловую лексику.

 1. The bank has just telephoned me to tell me that they are unable to pay your cheque.

1) cash 2) cheque 3) invoice 4) request

2. I was promoted some part-time work, but I‟m not sure I want to apply for it.

1) offered  2) applied 3) promoted 4) taken

3. The essence of her visit was to inspect the equipment.

1) purpose  2) essence 3) idea 4) reason

Задание 3. Выберите правильный ответ, употребив лексику профессиональной сферы.

1. According to court jurisdiction he was to compensate moral prejudice and caused damage.

1) judgment  2) rule 3) jurisdiction 4) litigation

2. Three types of complaint are deposition; interrogatories; and request for admissions.

1) discovery 2) indictment 3) information 4) complaint

3. He admitted stealing the car when he saw all the evidence against him.

 1) admitted 2) denied 3) acquitted 4) confessed

Задание 4: Выберите соответствующие термины. 

1. Unemployment   is state of not able to get work.

1) Unemployment 2) Employee 3) Employer 4) Employment

2.  Victim   is a living creature killed and offended, or suffering injury, pain, loss because of circumstances.

1) Offering 2) Sacrifice 3) Criminal 4) Victim

3. Yard  is a place where law-cases are held.

 1) Patio 2) Courtship 3) Court 4) Yard

Задание 5: Выберите соответствующие видовременные формы глагола. 1. − Could you help me? − Sorry, I can‟t. I  am having  lunch.

1) has 2) had 3) am having 4) were having 39

2. Don‟t  you know that Alex  is getting married next month?

 1) have got married 2) gets married 3) got married 4) is getting married

3. My course shall start on Monday at 9.30.

1) are starting 2) have started 3) starts 4) shall start

Задание 6: Выберите соответствующие формы инфинитива, герундия или причастия. 

1. She managed to calm  him by promising to return soon.

 1) calming 2) to have calmed 3) to calm 4) calmed

2. The man to stand at the door is my boss.

1) stood 2) to stand 3) standing 4) to have stood

3. He went to the club instead of going home.

1) have gone home 2) going home 3) to go home 4) having gone home

Задание 7: Вставьте соответствующие модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты (has to, might, can’t):

 1. I  can t  come to your party tomorrow. I‟m  going to prepare for my exam.

 2. You were lucky. You has to have broken your neck, Jim.

 3. − Helen might lose some weight. Her doctor said so. − Then she must go on a diet.

Задание 8: Выберите соответствующие послелоги для фразовых глаголов. 

1. I asked the receptionist to put  me  through  to the manager.

1) put away 2) put  through 3) put with 4) put from

2. Where is Jane? I am   tired to waiting?

1) tired to 2) tired about 3) tired of 4) tired with

 3. All our plans broke to.

1) broke in 2) broke down 3) broke through 4) broke to

Задание 9: Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения профессионально-деловой и социально-деловой сферы.

 1. Interviewer: “Do you mind if I ask how old you are?” Applicant: “I am not going to answer this question”

1) And what do you think? 2) I am not going to answer this question. 3) Actually, I‟d rather not say. But put it this way, I‟m about 40. 4) Yes, I do.

2. Visitor: “Change it into dollars” Clerk: “Sure, we can change it for you here.”

 1) I want to change some money. 2) Where can I change money? 3) Excuse me, is there somewhere around where I can change money? 4) Change  it into dollars.

Задание 10: Выберите правильный ответ, используя лексику страноведческой сферы. 

1. Boston is not situated in Canada.


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