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Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

Автор:   •  Октябрь 18, 2024  •  Контрольная работа  •  2,405 Слов (10 Страниц)  •  11 Просмотры

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1. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: past simple, present perfect.

1. We have been (be) informed that you are an expert in the field. 2. Since my last email to you I have ascertained (ascertain) that… 3. John phoned (phone) and said (say) that… 4. Lara Fortress called (call) this morning. 5. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you but I was (be) out of the office last week. 6. For some reason my last email had (have) delivery problems. So, here it is again just in case you didn’t get (get) it first time round. 7. Sorry I accidentally hit (hit) the send button. 8. OK, I’m sorry. You are right. I misunderstood (misunderstand) what you were saying.

2. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: past simple, past continuous.

1. Overall, a preference for symmetry was (be) more marked when females were assessing (assess) male faces rather than female faces. 2. The study shows that the assistants who planned (plan) to leave their present employment within the next three months were (be) better educated than those who planned (plan) to stay. 3. Analysis on whether a helmet was being worn (wear) at the time of the accident showed (show) that no fractures occurred (occur) in the six instances when a helmet was being worn (wear). 4. Most of the patients were treated (treat) with no other medications, except for five who received (receive) hypnotics. Written informed consent was obtained (obtain) from all subjects. 5. Questionnaires were administrated (administer) to international travelers departing from Heathrow Airport and who were going (go) to destinations that were high risk for malaria. 6. In the late 1990s, Rupert Burgess was working (work) on robotics at the University of Manchester, while I was working (work) on neo-androids at the University of Sussex. This shared interest led (lead) to our joint collaboration.

3. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: future simple, future continuous.

1. Interest in this technology is growing and managers will see (see) many “success stories” in this field in the short term. 2. Future users will be searching (search) for results which are orders of magnitude longer than those common today. It will be (be) impractical to store the entire text string in the main memory. 3. You will decide (decide) approximately in what year each text was written. 4. This year, approximately 10 million women will turn (turn) 50, at a rate of 5,000 per day. Based on the age incidence data for breast cancer, within the next 10 years 269,000 women per year will be (be) afflicted with breast cancer. 5. This is going to have major implications for the way languages will be (be) taught.  6. At a time when more and more people will need (need) to communicate in a language other than English, the pool of teachers who can teach these languages will be shrinking (shrink). 7. At any time, 3 in 20 of such patients will be suffering (suffer) from depression. 8. Future work will investigate (investigate) how to prevent these accidents from happening.

4*. Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate words from the list.

primarily, site, re-evaluate, corporations, constantly, credited, technically, obtain, dominant, sequential, negative, institution, unachievable, circumstances, computes, published, assists, residing, illustration, justifiably

1. He was arrested by police in the act of trying to obtain a false passport. 2. Our brain computes millions of bits of information every second of every day. 3. A human-looking robot which assists the elderly with daily chores has recently been developed in Japan. 4. My bank has credited my account with the amount that was mistakenly charged to us without reason. 5. The dream of peace in the Middle East sometimes seems completely unachievable given the current poor state of relations between countries in the region. 6. This magazine is primarily aimed at adolescent girls. 7. Liona spent the summer working at an archaeological site in the northern part of the province. 8. The downturn in the economy has forced us to re-evaluate our investment goals. 9. Sociologists consider the family to be the most basic social institution. 10. He is from England, but is currently residing in Australia. 11. 2001 was the first whole year of negative growth in the economy of Taiwan since 1947. 12. Sophie did a nice illustration of a girl's face in colored pencils for her art class. 13. Studies show that 70% of the world's coffee market is controlled by just four multinational corporations 14. Much evidence exists suggesting that the seafloors are constantly moving, and continually being created and destroyed. 15. Poland was the dominant political power in eastern Europe from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century. 16. These ten photos are sequential and were taken over a 10-day period. 17. In 1507, the first map of the Earth was published showing the Western Hemisphere. 18. Barry hasn't been doing a very good job at work lately, but I think we have to recognize that this is understandable, given the circumstances of his wife's illness. 19. Steve was justifiably angry when he found out he had been let go, just so the boss could hire his nephew. 20. Possession of marijuana is technically illegal, but the police tend to ignore possession of small amounts of the drug.


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