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Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

Автор:   •  Апрель 28, 2023  •  Контрольная работа  •  482 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  154 Просмотры

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Kaizen is a philosophy, the essence of which is the continuous improvement of business processes. This is not a separate technique, but a set of techniques, techniques and ideas that follow the philosophy of continuous improvement.

The main idea of kaizen is lean manufacturing, that is, eliminating processes that lead to losses (overproduction, useless mechanisms, etc.), optimizing the work of each employee and focusing on the needs of the consumer.

To improve the places for work, the Japanese came up with five principles, which together are called the 5S methodology

 sorting — the need to identify and sort what is not used in the work. The marking method is used for this. If the identified elements are not used in the work, then they need to be eliminated.

Systematization — you need to keep everything in order that is required to perform duties. It is important that all tools are always in a prominent place.

keeping clean — the equipment and workplace must be clean. At the end of the working day, it is important to put things in order, clean everything up and put the tools in their places.

standardization — the above three actions should become a habit, because the correct organization of the workspace will allow employees to work more productively. Management needs to conduct training on the implementation of these actions.

Improvement 0— maintaining an established workplace management practice. It is necessary to create a system for monitoring the content of organized and standardized workplaces.

For the first time in practice, kaizen was used by a number of Japanese companies, including the automotive company Toyota. The experience turned out to be positive, and the concept spread all over the world. The German company Siemens has also introduced kaizen into production. Today, the Japanese philosophy is applied in many foreign enterprises. There is even an institute for the study of Kaizen.
Поэтапный подход к улучшению работы был разработан США в рамках обучение отрасли программы . Вместо того, чтобы поощрять большие, радикальные изменения для достижения желаемых целей, эти методы рекомендовали организациям внедрять небольшие улучшения, предпочтительно те, которые могут быть реализованы в тот же день. Основная причина заключалась в том, что во время Второй мировой войны не было ни времени, ни ресурсов для крупных и инновационных изменений в производстве военной техники. Суть подхода сводилась к улучшению использования существующей рабочей силы и технологий.


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