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Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

Автор:   •  Апрель 19, 2023  •  Контрольная работа  •  641 Слов (3 Страниц)  •  126 Просмотры

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The table gives us information on the results of surveys that were held regarding one university in three different years: 2000, 2005 and 2010. In the survey responses of the students that positively evaluated five university aspects and they were given in the percentages of the total number of students examined.

From the table we can see that students were mostly satisfied with the print resources throughout all the three time period as well as with electronic resources by 2010 which was seen to be dramatically increasing every single survey years: 45 by 2000, 72 by 2005 and 88 by 2010 where it is equalized with the former. Whereas the least satisfaction was with the range of modules offered which also had been decreasing over the given years: from 32 to 30 and from 30 to 27.

There were minor fluctuations over the time in teaching quality (65% at 2000) and print resources (87% by 2000) with slight drop of the former and slight increase of the latter by 2 percents each by 2005, then reached 69%  in teaching quality and 88% in print resources by 2010. Students’ rating regarding building/teaching facilities remained constant 77%.


As average human life span is vastly increased these days it is believed that retirement age should also be increased dramatically. In this essay I will consider advantages and disadvantages of this increase and give my opinion on it.

To some who dedicated his life for work staying at his position for a longer period would be a cherishing situation. Because once retired he may lose purpose of his life as well. As a result he may feel himself empty and also lonely if there is nobody to share his new free time with. Another advantage of staying at work for extended years is when financial situation in the place where one leaves isn’t pleasant and the pension that will be paid might not be enough to cope up with basic needs as groceries, taxes and clothes. For others it is best staying at work for longer time is related to privileges that his current title enables him. Staying at position he remains respected and powerful person in the eyes of community, while retired may mean losing it. The last advantageous point of having retirement age increased is that it might often mean having someone who has a broad experience.

Now coming to the disadvantages of the postponed retirement, one case is that not all the individuals has the same health condition especially at that grown ages. It may be also due to work conditions which are considered as hard, which by itself a reason for a desire to leave for his well-earned retirement as soon as possible. Next disadvantage is that older people more prone to make mistakes due to the fall of some of their brain functions, which in its turn may lead to an accident or some crucial issues at business such as an engineer forgetting closing some valves or an accountant adding extra zeros to a payroll. Another drawback is the more elderly people stay at work the less open positions for freshly graduated youth. Because usually in companies there is strict career hierarchy where a place at the bottom to be opened the person currently having that place should move up or free the seat which is less possible if retirement age will be significantly increased.


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