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Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

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Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky

Faculty of Heat and Power Engineering

Foreign language (English)

Main Test №4

(Option №5)


2st year student

Kiev - 2022

ІІ курс 4 семестр


1. Choose the correct verb from the words in brackets. Translate the sentences.

  1. He said that he (will, would) take part in the chess tournament.
  2. The engineer said the new machine had been (installed, install) in the laboratory.  
  3. My father said that I (can, could) go to England for a year or two.
  4. The teacher said that he (will, would) never paint well.    

        1. He said that he would take part in the chess tournament. Він казав, що візьме участь у шаховому турнірі.

        2. The engineer said the new machine had been installed in the laboratory.  Інженер сказав, що нову машину встановили в лабораторії.

        3. My father said that I could go to England for a year or two. Мій батько сказав, що я зможу поїхати в Англію на рік-два.

        4. The teacher said that he would never paint well. Учитель сказав, що ніколи не буде добре малювати.

2.  Complete the sentences containing the Indirect questions. Choose, make up sentences and translate it:

  1. I’m not really sure ___________________.

a. whether the plane will be late      b. will the plane be late

  1. Do you remember ______________?

a. where you put the car keys         b. where did you put the car keys

  1. Can you tell me ________________?

      a. did she buy a book                         b. whether she bought a book

1. I’m not really sure whether the plane will be late. Я не дуже впевнений, чи запізниться літак.

2. Do you remember where you put the car keys? Ви пам’ятаєте, куди поклали ключі від машини?

3. Can you tell me whether she bought a book? Чи можете ви сказати мені, чи купила вона книгу?

3. Complete these sentences with a suitable verb in the correct form:  -ing or infinitive (with or without “to”).

1.  Ann likes (solve) difficult tasks.

  1. We managed (get) to the airport in time.
  2. Let line AB (be) equal to line CD.
  3. It was an unpopular decision to postpone (build) the new hospital.  
  4. You can’t expect (learn) a foreign language in a few months.  

1.  Ann likes solving difficult tasks.

2. We managed to get to the airport in time.

3. Let line AB be equal to line CD.

4. It was an unpopular decision to postpone building the new hospital.  

5. You can’t expect to learn a foreign language in a few months.  

4.      Find sentence in which the modal verb is used to express probability and underline it. Translate the sentences.

1.   I might hang that picture in the living room. Я міг би повісити цю картину у вітальні.

  1. It is necessary that you should read this article once more. Необхідно ще раз прочитати цю статтю.
  2. I could do this work myself. Я міг би виконати цю роботу сам.
  3. We may not find him in the library. Ми можемо не знайти його в бібліотеці.

5.    Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Passive Voice.

1. When we enter the room the machine was being checked. Коли ми зайшли в кімнату, машину перевіряли.

2. The engine is turned by the mechanics of the shop. Механіки цеху рушать двигун.

3. Electric lights and modern plumbing were installed in this building. Електричне освітлення та сучасна сантехніку було встановлено у цьому будинк.

4. Since its opening day, the building has been considered one of the finest examples of nineteenth century Ukrainian architecture. Починаючи з дня відкриття будівля вважається одним із найкращих зразків української архітектури ХІХ століття.

6.      Define the type of the Conditional clauses and translate them.

1.  Had you seen her, ask her to wait. Якщо ти її бачив, попроси її зачекати. A hypothetical condition and its probable result. Type 2.

2.  Were I you, I would call them. Якби я був тобою, я б покликав їх. An unreal past condition and its probable result in the past. Type 3.

3.  If they had more time, they’d visit us more often.  Якби вони мали більше часу, вони б частіше відвідували нас. A hypothetical condition and its probable result. Type 2.

4.  If he were more aggressive, he’d be a good salesman.  Якби він був агресивнішим, то був би хорошим продавцем. An unreal past condition and its probable result in the present. Mixed type.


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